Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Roundtable: “Melinda”
Revelations were plentiful in this week’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. We finally learned the origins of May’s nickname “the cavalry.” Although the legends of her feats that day are not exactly accurate, she did make a huge sacrifice in the name of doing the right thing and it changed her life in a big way. While May’s past was revealed to us, Skye’s past was revealed to her. Jaiying told her that she’s her mother, although it would be dangerous if anyone else found out so she can’t tell anyone. The two bonded, and at her mother’s request Skye agreed to sit down to a family dinner with her father. During dinner, Reina’s gift was revealed. A dream Reina had relayed to Lincoln earlier about Skye being happy at a dinner with her father, complete with a bouquet of daisies came to pass.
1. Did the revelations of May’s infamous “cavalry” incident of long ago meet the expectations created by the long buildup?
Louise: I loved seeing the story of how she’s the “Cavalry”, but it was a shock to see the sadder side at the same time. Sure she saved the other agents, but she also killed that girl, even if she was powerful.
Rueben: It did meet expectations to a certain extent because now we really understand what happened; but the agents really thought May took out all those people when it was actually that little girl. May had to do a horrible thing to make sure all the SHIELD agents survived that little girls wrath, and that is worse than having to take out that army of men in the line run.
Liz: Yes, and then some! It was gut-wrenching. Now we know why May doesn’t like to be called “the cavalry”. What a horrible memory to have to live with. It’s no wonder that she lost herself there in Bahrain.
Jan: It did meet my expectations, but was also so much more. I didn’t see the way it played out coming at all, but it was so emotionally moving to see what May went through and the choice she had to make. Then to see how that tragic moment changed her going forward…it held such impact. I definitely understand now why she doesn’t want to talk about it.
2. Were you moved by Jaiying’s reveal to Skye that she is her mother?
Louise: I think because we all knew that Jaiying was her mother the actual reveal to Skye didn’t move me. It would have been better if we the audience didn’t know more than Skye did, but the whole premise exists where the audience usually knows more than some characters.
Rueben: Like Louise said, if we didn’t already know that Jaiying was Skye’s mother, it would’ve been more moving; but we did. That being said, I think Chloe portrayed the right kind of reaction to the news since it was a pretty big reveal to her.
Liz: Yes, I cried then and I cried when May broke down. I am so glad they chose to reveal Skye’s mother to her now instead of dragging it out over more episodes. But it was quite emotional.
Jan: I was very surprised Skye learned the truth so soon, but am very glad she did. She’s never felt like she belonged anywhere, and now she has her mother. Jaiying certainly seems sincere, and I believe she has Skye’s best interests at heart. Skye needed that connection. Like Liz, it brought a tear or two to my eye.
3. May clearly did not know about Theta Protocol, nor did Jemma. May is vocal that Coulson must have had a good reason, but she did appear surprised. Do you think she and/or Jemma are beginning to harbor doubts about their loyalties to him in light of this reveal?
Louise: Doubts might be a strong word for what I think Jemma and May have about Coulson. Clearly Coulson has had secrets, but he’s acting like Fury has done before – only giving little pieces of information as necessary – so I think it’s just that being played out. It could be something bigger given that Coulson and Hunter seemed happy that Fitz had Fury’s box.
Rueben: I don’t think May will ever doubt Coulson, she will question what is going on and will keep at “it” until she learns what is really going on; but, again, she won’t doubt him. Jemma may be concerned, but, I think, she too will stay on Coulson’s side, as long as an explanation is made.
Liz: First of all, why didn’t Coulson tell May what he was doing? That is the biggest mystery to me. After all they’d been through together, even when May disagreed with Coulson at times, she still supported him and kept his secrets. Why would he not trust her at all with what he’s doing now? I need to know this. And so does May. He should have trusted her, even more than Jemma. I think May still trusts Coulson to do the right thing, because he always will. Perhaps Coulson still had doubts about May after finding out that she kept secrets from him as well. Big ones. Jemma may be having some doubts though.
Jan: I trust that Coulson’s core team is strong in their alliance to him, but I think it’s only natural that they have moments of questioning what he was doing. Even more so in light of the evidence they were being presented. I do feel confident that May will make it her mission to get answers, and will have Coulson’s back.
4. Do you think Jaiying’s decision to keep her relationship with Skye secret will come back to haunt her now that we know Reina’s “gift” allows her to see things?
Louise: It was a bad idea from the start to keep it a secret – even if Jaiying had a reason – and I don’t see anything good coming from it.
Rueben: Yes, any time you keep a secret, especially one such as the one between Jaiying and Skye, it’s going to come back to bite you in the ass. And, given Lincoln’s reaction to Reina’s dream being true, that reveal is going to be made to everyone at the compound; and then, of course, trouble is going to ensue.
Liz: Reina’s gift is one of premonition. She can see what’s going to happen but she’s getting them in dreams which are not always complete. When she finds out that her dreams are her gift, I don’t know what she will do, but I don’t think that’s how she will find out that Skye is Jaiying’s daughter. All that being said, when Reina does find out, I think she’s going to be very, very angry. That will not end well at all.
Jan: It concerns me that the revelations came before anyone learned what Reina’s gifts were. I have a very bad feeling about what will happen, knowing how envious Reina is of Skye. If she sees anything that gives away Jaiying and Skye’s bond she will go on a rampage, I fear.
5. What was your favorite scene in the episode?
Louise: Even though the episode was all about May, I think that scene with Fitz opening Fury’s box at the end and the look on Hunter’s face as he plans to help Fitz escape. Because it was clear that May wanted to know more about that box and everything with Theta Protocol.
Rueben: Skye controlling that mountain was pretty cool; seeing a softer side of May was quite a revelation given what we’ve seen of her thus far; but like Louise said, that little scene between Fitz, Hunter and Coulson at the end, now that was pretty damn cool. I can’t wait to see how Fitz gets out of that bathroom with Hunter’s assistance and guidance.
Liz: My favorite scene was when Jaiying told Skye she was her mother. I also loved when she was telling Skye the story of Eva. Another favorite was when Coulson brought May out of that building and she broke down and cried on his shoulder. A very emotional episode.
Jan: Jaiying telling Skye about the night she was born and Skye’s realization that this is her mother was my favorite. Although the Fitz and Hunter scene at the end ramped up my excitement for next week exponentially, too. If they don’t show us exactly how Fitz gets out of that situation I’m going to be very disappointed.
6. Who was the MVP of “Melinda”?
Louise: For finally seeing where she got her name, it goes to Melinda to me.
Rueben: Hands down it goes to May not just because the episode is titled after her, but because of the hell she went through to inadvertently become known as the “Cavalry”. What she must have gone through emotionally during that time, I don’t even think I’d be able to comprehend it all.
Liz: I really can’t say there was only one MVP. I have to give it to Agent May and Jaiying.
Jan: I think it would be wrong of me to give the MVP of “Melinda” to anyone but Melinda. She gave up a piece of her soul that day in Bahrain.
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. airs Tuesdays at 9/8c on ABC.