THE GOOD WIFE 6.19 – ‘Winning Ugly’ A Knife To The Heart
Alicia may have evaded the email scandal, but the allegations on voter fraud is a far more dangerous situation. Never fear, The Democratic Party is here and supplies Mr.Randolph, one of their superstars, to defend her in front of the Election Board, Things go as they always do on this show from impossible, to weird and then twist! We saw that in spades this episode when the uncovered data chips created all kinds of havoc for the party. When it became clear her party could no longer prevent a re-count, Frank Landau asked her to withdraw all together. Wait! What?
As it turns out there was voter fraud going on and her party KNEW ABOUT IT. Alicia gets placed squarely in front of the oncoming train to avoid any further investigation. After Randolph gutted her in front of the board his final words were painful to hear. “Be a good Democrat step down now. The party will take care of you. Everybody wins.” No wonder politicians have such a bad wrap. They earned it!
Kalinda is stuck in an even worse situation. The investigation is complete and the evidence is iron-clad. This leaves Diane on the hook facing disbarment. When they all decide to throw themselves at the mercy of the board and admit what happens. The DA’s office smells blood. They promise to drop the charges but only if Diane testifies against Bishop. The more things change, the more they stay the same!
Kudos to Peter for remaining calm under pressure. Seeing him unflustered even when Eli was akimbo was a true sight to behold. However, after Alicia took his advice things got worse, not better. It makes me think that might have been his true motive after all.
I must say I was unhappy with Alicia winning the election, but loosing it this way smarts, and is smart. Everyone likes an underdog and now, if Alicia withdraws all bets are off. Will she go back to work at the law firm? What will Kalinda do now that Diane may be forced to testify? Will Cary testify? I am thrilled at the way The Good Wife writers consistently reinvent the game. Bravo.
• Creator of Digital Euphoria! • Extreme southern speaker, big hair believer & professional geek • Follow @PxlWvr or contact at Mynda@nicegirlstv.com