Outlander Recap: “By the Pricking of My Thumbs”
The budding relationship between Claire and Jamie since their forced-upon-them-marriage has become an insatiable desire that is seemingly consuming both of their souls. It is undeniable that they love each other (reluctant though it may have been in the beginning, for Claire anyway) and they certainly cannot get enough of each other in bed either.
Case in point: the opening scene of last night’s episode where it is clear that Jamie has become quite adept at pleasuring his wife in the short amount of time since their wedding. Not one to leave Claire unsatisfied, Jamie continued lavishing his wife all the while Murtagh was nearly banging the door down to alert Jamie to the arrival of the Duke of Sandringham.
As viewers of Outlander know all too well, it is the hope that the Duke will be able to not only alert Colum MacKenzie to the rising Jacobite rebellion but also perhaps be able to assist Jamie in clearing his name. Upon learning that the Duke has arrived, however, Claire heeds her husband and Murtagh about trusting the man. She, of course, cannot give away how she knows about the Duke and Black Jack Randall being allies – that time travel reveal has not been made yet, mind you. And while Jamie is more than willing to have complete faith in his new bride, Murtagh made no such vow.
That fact being beside the point, Jamie endeavored to use Sandrigham’s admiration for him to his advantage by petitioning the Duke, alerting him to the sexual provocations of Black Jack. Claire was not one to sit back and idly wait for a result either, so she heedless sought out the man herself, using what she knows from her “future” husband Frank to her own advantage. While her plot worked, Jamie still had to make a deal with the Duke. It would seem the man has a penchant for gambling and found himself in debt to the Clan McDonald, who are not exactly on the best of terms with Clan MacKenzie.
Needless to say, the Duke was challenged to a duel by the one of the McDonalds; and since Jamie was asking for a “favor”, the Duke asked for one in return. Jamie was to act as the man’s second. Thankfully, the duel did not end with anyone’s death, but the wrong placed word toward three of the younger McDonalds by Jamie did not set well and a swordfight resulted, ending with Jamie being injured (again!) and the three McDonald men assuredly wondering why they even made a move in the first place.
Elsewhere in the story, Claire was admittedly pissed at Laoghaire for leaving that “ill wish” in her bedchamber; and confronted the young girl in Mrs. Fitz’s kitchen. The result of that confrontation – Claire warning Laoghaire to stay away from her and her husband (oh and that slap inflicted by Claire on Laoghaire felt so good, didn’t it?) and Laoghaire being very self-assured that Jamie was and is hers – may have been a draw; but the end result was chilling. Claire was arrested alongside Geillis Duncan for witchcraft and Laoghaire presented herself with a smirk as Claire was taken away inside a barred-up cart. This isn’t going to end well at all (and those of us who have read the book know all too well what is coming down the pike).
Also contained within this episode was the reveal that Geillis is not only pregnant, but also that her lover was none other than Dougal MacKenzie. Geillis was caught by Claire, performing a pagan dance much like the one Claire witnessed in 1946 at Craigh Na Dun. The only difference in this instance was that Geillis was “summoning” a wish; a wish that seemingly brought about the demise of not only Dougal’s less than “bonnie” wife Moira but also the death of her own husband Arthur. Their deaths may have seemed like accidents, but Claire recognized the smell of bitter almonds on Arthur’s dying breath as that of a rudimentary 18th Century version of cyanide. It also didn’t help that both Dougal and Geillis had momentary smiles on their faces before the newly-made widow reacted to her husband’s “untimely” death.
But leave it to Colum for figuring out exactly what was going on; and he, in turn, exiled Dougal to his own home to arrange the funeral of his recently departed wife and to stay there until he is permitted to return to Castle Leoch. Colum also forced Rupert, Angus and a reluctant Jamie to accompany Dougal to his home, leaving Claire behind, as a punishment for the “fight” with the McDonalds.
What did you think of last night’s episode? Were you pleased to see that Claire and Jamie are truly dedicated to each other in more ways than one? If you have not read the book, were you surprised by the reveal of Geillis and Dougal? What are your thoughts on the Duke of Sandringham? Please share your thoughts below.
And remember that the next episode of Outlander will air on Starz on Saturday, April 18 at 9/8c.