Helix 2.13 – ‘O Brave New World’ Here Comes The Mindbend!
Amy! You look TERRIBLE! Landry finally has the woman of his dreams! Hideous is correct. Now the outside matches her inside. As it turns out, Amy takes out her frustration on Anne with a vengeance. She confronts her Mother regarding her abuse and “I’m sorry.” just isn’t enough.
Amy takes her mother’s child. ( Grandchild, daughter, sister? ) as payment for her sins. Ms. Quasimodo leaves the infant out in the open to draw out her sisters who are even more deformed than she is! Who knew that was even possible? The two doctors come to a kind of truce with The Sisters and escape in peace. The same cannot be said of Amy. As soon as she entered the room they descended on her like a pack of angry wolves. Finally! Amy gets what she deserves!
“When it came to pain management, my mother was a genius.” I’ll have what she’s having. Even in Anne’s high state she can still scheme. She and Brother Eli decide to capitalize on the discovery of Mother. Peter hatches a plot.
Soren and Kyle are working in the lab and Dr. Sommer is thinking pizza along with some Playstation. Good times. It would be wonderful to see Soren spoiled a bit after what he’s been through. The moment doesn’t last and when the lights go out Soren takes off with a scalpel and pays Peter a visit.
You can’t say Peter didn’t deserve to be stabbed after what he has done. I’m just glad Soren was the one wielding the scalpel. Payback’s a bitch Eli! Peter recovers rather quickly and has time to meet up with his brother for a face off. There was no hugging this argument out, and Peter took the day leaving his brother surrounded by a wall of flame.
In the Future Caleb sits by Dr. Walker as she lays dying. He makes the understatement of the year when he says “That doesn’t make any sense.” Those words can accurately describe the entire season. The question of Caleb’s identity is finally revealed when Julia finally realizes she knows the answer to The Question. “Do you know the way to San Jose?”
Julia’s answer plays out like a twisted Nicholas Sparks novel Helix style and recalls her marriage to Alan. Satisfied with the answer, Caleb reveals the truth. He is Soren and He IS THE CURE for TXM7.
Dr. Jordan makes a pact with Julia to take her up on the job offer once they leave the island. The ONLY thing on her mind is saving Jar Baby. When the fire starts the two ladies part ways ,one to save her baby, and the other to save Alan.
Just when you think Alan’s not gonna make it, he survives to live another day. But, the surprises are not yet over folks. Julia rescues the lesser evil Dr. Farragut getst “modified” by Sarah in the process. Guess who’s a new immortal now? Alan!
Peter/Eli escapes with Anne and their baby and makes a bee-line for Illaria. He handed over the fungus and was sure to let them know how “instrumental” Dr. Walker was in its recovery. Wow! The betrayal stung. And, for someone walking away in handcuffs, Peter sure looked like the cat who got into the cream!
We were treated to another time jump just like last season and it looks A LOT like “The Handmaids Tale.” In the future fertility is a major issue and guess who’s there right on hand to help? Dr. Walker! I guess she made good on her promise to work for Illaria. Now we have extreme jar baby! I guess Sarah had some fantastic experience with her child and went on to a bright new future. The Birthing Room at St. Germaine cannot hold a candle to the horror that Julia created! There is hell and then there is Sanitized Hell.
Questions and Observations
• Did Dr. Walker survive?
• What did Peter get out to the deal?
• What is in the safety deposit box in Atlanta?
• LOVED the placement of the stuffed unicorn.
• Was that “From Here To Eternity.” playing on the hospital TV?
• Alan and Hatake on the same side?
• What kind of necklace did that nurse have on? What purpose did it serve?