12 MONKEYS Recap: Arms of Mine
12 Monkeys does not waste a single second of their finale by the time we get to the end you will be so very happy to remember they have been renewed for a second season.
Aaron – he reaps what he sows. Cole and Cassy beat some information out of him before leaving him to succumb in a fire. I want to feel bad because I honestly think he was doing what he thought was best but siding with Olivia was wrong. So very wrong.
Jennifer – She wastes no times holding a meeting to announce herself as the new head of Markridge. She has certainly gotten a better hold of her med regulation because she is almost sane – as sane as she can be that is.
Ramse/Cole/Cassy – The three of them spend the episode basically chasing each other. This all cumulates in a show down in front of the machine in 2015. Ramse is preparing to go back to 2043 when Cole and Cassy show up. Cole can’t bring himself to shoot Ramse though. They have been friends for too long. Cassy however has no qualms about it. She shoots Ramse and Ramse’s security guy shoots Cassy.
In the end Ramse does the right thing and has Cole inject Cassy with the serum that allows her to travel to 2043. The idea being Jones will save her life there.
At the end of the episode we see Olivia talking about how Ramse will be found dead in front of the machine he helped fund. “There is nothing more powerful than fate.” She’s wrong. Love is more powerful. Something Cole proves by running back to save Ramse. He says no one is going to die today.
Also in 2043 the scary blue man group with the help of Deacon infiltrate the compound. Jones makes a deal with them. She will stay and not blow up the machine and in exchange they will let the rest of her people go. They accept and as they are walking her to her new cell/home the machine activates and Cassy appears. They didn’t see that coming.
12 Monkeys will be back in 2016 on Syfy