NEW GIRL Recap: Par 5
Fawn is back and she is rubbing Cece the wrong way. Of course it is because Cece loves Schmidt but still – Cece isn’t entirely wrong. Fawn is controlling. Fawn also has a charity golf event to go to in the morning, something Jess invites herself to. Seeing as Jess doesn’t golf this should be interesting. Fawn is immediately embarrassed by Jess’s lack of golf playing and inability to network. Jess has jokes about visors so you can see how this could be not so good. Fawn pulls Jess aside and tries to help her out, it would have worked except Jess is super honest and Fawn is not. In the end Jess uses her honesty and own brand of ridiculous humor to win most people over. Fawn seeing this jumps on board to take advantage of Jess’s new found “celebrity”. Only Fawn forgets she isn’t wearing underwear (she doesn’t wear underwear during networking events) and she bends over to pick up Jess’s golf ball. Before the end of the event there are meme’s, speaking meme’s of her…bajingo.
The boys meanwhile are out getting coffee and they try to help Winston hit on a girl. You know how bad Winston is at talking to woman. He does however ask her to lunch between yelling, “Shorty what that thing do?” among other not appropriate things. She accepts, which would be great except she says she has to go to a rally first, a rally to protest the police. Winston is wearing an LAPD shirt so this is a problem.
At lunch, despite seeing cops who recognized him, Winston says he isn’t a cop, he’s a stripper. She looks uncomfortable. Later that day Winston comes clean to his lunch date, “If there are ever Ghost Busters I know they are going to recruit from law enforcement first.” Good reason to be a cop, Winston. She is pretty charmed though and to make up the fact that he lied she makes him strip for her coworkers.
Best line from Fawn to Jess explaining why she doesn’t wear underwear to networking events: Power emanates from the vagina. Why block it?
New Girl airs Tuesday 9/8c on Fox