THE GOOD WIFE 6.18 – ‘Looser Edit’ Gay Marriage, Bad Metadata & Steamy Emails
Reporter Petra Moritz interviews Alicia for a puff piece following her election and gets a gift from the hacking gods in her inbox. The hacked emails have come to the surface again and this time the bullet may be hard to dodge.
Eli goes into hyperdrive in protecting Alicia and brings in the big guns along with one dumb one. The first being Mr. Florrick and the second being a “dumb as an ox” reporter Mr. Willaby. On a side note, I love seeing Eli in a snit. More please.
The plan to get ahead of the story goes forward. Peter, for his part, defends his wife beautifully and manages to turn the tables on Petra. However, this only succeeds in placing the new ASA out of one frying pan and squarely into the fire when the snubbed reporter pivots and makes allegations of a rigged election.
Kalinda’s in trouble. Her chickens are coming home to roost in the form of fake metadata. The former very annoying investigator Wiley is sniffing around trying to find the truth. Ms. Sharma goes to Polmar which in the short term didn’t help. Wiley uncovers the truth behind Kalinda’s actions and hits her right over the head with the facts. The investigator wisely says nothing, but you can see the panic on her face.
Diane gets hoodwinked into a gay marriage case by her husbands conservative mega powerful friends. R.D. also manages to convince Ms. Lockart in participating in a mock trial on the issue. Diane got the upper hand when she cast’s R.D.’s nephew, in the role of the gay defendant. She manages to win her trial but looses the battle in the end.
Observations & Questions
• “It was an affair.” It was refreshing seeing Alicia own up to her tryst with Will even if it was only to her closest advisors.
• “Why doesn’t anyone ever ask me what I believe.” Great question.
• Dude? Did you see Peter’s hair! It’s white! When did he age ten years?
• Everyone knows Kalinda is leaving. I am thankful the “how” so far has been creative on the part of the writers.
• Creator of Digital Euphoria! • Extreme southern speaker, big hair believer & professional geek • Follow @PxlWvr or contact at Mynda@nicegirlstv.com