ARROW: “Public Enemy” {Recap}
Since it seemed that last week’s episode is responsible for where we’re starting this week: the Mayor has been killed my Maseo, who’s still pretending to be the Arrow to get Oliver to b R’as al Ghul.
Captain Lance goes off on his own road and issues an arrest warrant for The Arrow and all of his known associates while Ray’s also been shot with an arrow and sits at Starling General. Felicity is at Ray’s side, of course, and soon her mother comes to visit and is the same woman she was before – more concerned with Felicity having a boyfriend than that the boyfriend was nearly killed.
Nyssa’s still in town and Oliver wants her help to find Maseo, but she’s at first hesitant to give over the information until Oliver says Sara’s name. However, as soon as she’s been useful, she’s dismissed before Maseo and some of his men fight against Oliver, Roy and Laurel. R’as shows up and reminds Oliver of what choice he has to make before everyone there is arrested by the SCPD.
Captain Lance runs after Laurel and wants to arrest her before Nyssa shows up and allows her to escape. Everyone else seems safe as well, but haven’t we learned before that any manhunt for Oliver as the Arrow is a horrible idea?
Thea comes to the Cave and still hasn’t learned that Oliver is meant to replace R’as al Ghul, but before he can say that, there’s a flashback to Oliver meeting Shado’s sister while he’s running from someone in Hong Kong.
Mrs. Smoak, why are you trying to force Felicity to do something she’s uncomfortable with? She can – and should – make her own choices.
Captain Lance gets taken by Maseo and R’as, before R’as promises to tell Captain Lance who the Arrow is. So finally everyone who we care about on the show knows Oliver’s second identity, but Captain Lance probably won’t take it well. He drops that bomb well on Laurel when they’re having another near-knock-down-drag-out fight. Oliver’s not going to escape this arrest, at least according to Captain Lance.
Since Felicity has other make her choices, she injects Ray with his nanotech and maybe he won’t die now. But just because she did that, I don’t know if that means she should feel she needs to be with him. Why does Ray think that it’s a good time to tell Felicity that he loves her after all this? Why? Give her time to process anything and everything. At least her mom maybe can tell that Oliver is better for Felicity than Ray, but right now is not the time to figure out what she wants.
Given what R’as has done so far, Oliver is forced to be arrested before he plans on telling the whole truth about his life in the last seven years or so. All of them have been granted immunity, but Diggle doesn’t want to stay in the Cave anymore.
But the episode ends with Roy telling everyone that he’s the Arrow. How’s Thea going to handle that?
Arrow airs on Wednesdays at 8PM Eastern/7PM Central on the CW.