SCORPION Recap: Crossroads
I’m not going to say anything about the opening sequence – not a word. Not one word.
Happy, wearing killer shoes and a little black dress waits for Toby at a restaurant. He is sleeping on the couch and misses the whole thing. The next day Toby tries to make it right with a bouquet of wrenches while the team looks on uncomfortably. Happy is not happy. He He – I have been waiting all freaking season to say that!
Walter has the nerve to tell Toby romance and work doesn’t mix. He is so in love with Paige, something Toby points out.
Now the case of the week – crazy Nicaraguan gang leader, Hector, wants to kill their ex-accountant, Maya, who is now snitching on them to the Feds. They tried to kill her once so now the team must protect her until she can testify. Of course it is supposed to be a simple. All they have to do is help them get her to the courthouse. Not shockingly they are ambushed.
I’d like to see Mythbusters do an entire season of shows based on the math/physics they present in Scorpion. Apparently if you take shotgun shells and put them near the heater core in a car it will cause an explosion, knocking out bad guys and allowing you to escape.
The team picks up a sweet 70’s van so they can travel incognito. Gallo, not surprisingly, has very fond memories of the 70’s. Walter snarks he wasn’t born yet. They stop at a convenience store to fix the van and freshen up. While there Paige deduces that Maya is pregnant. Maybe that explains her bitchy attitude. We don’t have time to ponder this as Hector shows up and starts shooting. Hector sure has a lot more bullets in his gun than I think he should but that is neither here nor there.
Happy, Maya and Paige are pinned down in the back while one of Hector’s henchmen pins them down. Thankfully Happy uses some of these questionable physics to make a gun that shoots a urinal cake into said henchman’s neck. It’s effective and while that is happening Walter and Toby manage to get the van fixed and drive it into the store temporarily stopping Hector.
It’s time to upgrade their vehicle. Maya directs them to a guy who hacks for the Nicaraguan gang. I’m counting 4 cars in sight of the front gate of his house that are worth $250k a piece, but Happy notices a very top of the line RV. Looks like that is the vehicle they need. Walter and Gallo go in acting as henchmen for Hector. They freak the guy out and he gives them the RV, he tells Hector about it but still – they have a decent ride. The team doesn’t think it is fair Maya is being forced to testify. They offer to help her create Hector’s “books” so that the information isn’t just in her head anymore. Then the government won’t need her personally.
Because they need another problem, Hector gets Hacker boy into hacking the RV, now he is in control of the vehicle. Happy and Walter do their best Speed impressions with a skateboard and some rope. They manage to get under the RV, does some stuff and in the nick of time they regain control.
Hector of course catches up with them but this time they have a surprise for him, a roadblock set up by the local sheriff’s office. It works, they apprehend Hector and let Maya go.
On a side note Toby spends most of the episode trying to make up with Happy. She doesn’t accept his apologies. Toby also finally talks Walter into telling Paige how he feels, Walter doesn’t want Drew to take her away. Unfortunately when he gets over to Paige’s he sees Drew there and walks away without saying anything.
Scorpion airs Monday 9/8c on CBS