THE GOOD WIFE 6.17 – ‘Undisclosed Recipients’ Congratulatory Muffins & The Ugly Truth
Alicia enters her office to accolades, congratulations and groveling beginning with the old ASA Castro and going downhill from there. Mr. Redmayne (Ed Asner) was so creepy his ilk oozed from the screen. Who knew Ed did smarmy so well? Enter Lemond Bishop who is rightfully offended by Redmayne who had no idea what he stepped into! GAWD! What I wouldn’t give to see Bishop get ahold of Guy Redmayne.
Sadly all her suitors left equally offended. So much so, a furious Eli came storming into her office to play damage control. Mr. Gold was in such a kerfuffle his hair was unkempt! Now that was a sight to see! Next came the kiss-and-makeup sessions with all the offended. Alicia appears to be quite out of her depth and the waters are going to be quite choppy for some time to come.
Meanwhile Ms. Florrick asks Flinn to be her second and tasks him with the job of helping negotiate her exit from the firm. While her partners try to string out the discussion in hopes of obtaining a lesser settlement. All that goes out the window when hackers leak all the emails from the firm in retaliation for a case they were working on.
The emails created a swirling whirlwind of malevolence the likes of which one can scarcely imagine unless one can picture feeding pirahanna’s on crack! The hacker threatens to release another wave of emails the following day which puts Alicia in the hot seat of nuclear proportions. Eli was beside himself in horror with the impending threat.
Thankfully, the second hack was avoided when a settlement was reached. The whole debacle makes me realize there is a life lesson in this. Don’t say anything in an email you wouldn’t say to someones face. Life is simpler that way.
Observations & Stuff
• Eli gave us the best quotes! “Be a Disney Princess but don’t tell money men like Redmayne anything but what they want to hear.”
• “Absence of yes times time equals no!”
• I loved seeing Eli’s words turned against him! Thank your advice—————. All options are open to me and I expect to make a decision within the next forty-eight hours.
• How will Alicia navigate the Lemond Bishop situation? Will she squash the Geneva Pine Investigation?
• Surprise! Howard Lyman avid porn user.
• As always, Marissa is a shining bright star each episode. I love her! Want a muffin?
• Creator of Digital Euphoria! • Extreme southern speaker, big hair believer & professional geek • Follow @PxlWvr or contact at Mynda@nicegirlstv.com