SCORPION Recap: Young Hearts Spark Fire
I patiently sat through the opening sequence – well not all that patently. Longest. Opening. Ever.
Case of the week – missing group of hikers. The team is going to use some tracking software to find them as the Santa Ana winds are really picking up and there is limited visibility.
Sylvester refers to the helicopter they are going to search in as a “box in the sky held up by a lawn mower blade”. He gets in anyway. Poor Sylvester.
They should have listened to Sylvester as the winds take the helicopter down. Some fancy math from Sylvester and they manage to rappel down from the tree they crashed into. Sylvester and the injured pilot stay behind while the rest of the team go for the hikers.
Of course they find the missing hikers and head towards an open area where they can be rescued. Unfortunately Sylvester and the pilot aren’t having good luck. A spark from the radio they are trying to repair sets off a fire that spreads very quickly.
Gallo talks a pilot and crew into flying towards the fire to rescue the team but they don’t see anyone through all of the smoke. Now this is one of those times where I’m iffy on the math/physics/science but apparently a rock, a diamond ring and a handkerchief thrown into the fire cause green smoke to rise. Thankfully Gallo sees it and as Toby is professing his love to Happy (he thinks they are about to die) Gallo drops in and saves them. Also good is Sylvester and the injured pilot making it to the rescue point before the fire engulfs the rescue chopper.
The rescue of the hikers and themselves isn’t actually the overriding theme of the episode. It’s love. Toby spends much of the episode trying to convince Walter he is in love with Paige. Even when confronted with what Toby considers science and math Walter doesn’t agree. However when they all thought they were about to die Walter and Paige very sweetly held each other’s hand.
Toby for his part talks Happy into having dinner with him. She is a little less free with her feelings but dinner seems to be something she can do. Baby steps.
Scorpion airs Monday 9/8c on CBS