THE GOOD WIFE 6.16 – ‘Red Meat’ Everybody Wins! Diane Goes Hunting While Alicia Plays Halo.
Alicia sits in awkward silence with Johnny who puts on a somewhat brave face and fails. Miserably. Enter the next awkward pairing with the Governor and Mrs. Florrick. Peter his miffed. He pastes on his own mask and then torpedos Alicia in the press interviews. This precipitates a confrontation between the two which quickly escalates to a tit-for-tat screaming match. I call it a draw!
DIANE is wearing camo! I repeat! Diane is wearing camo and is going hunting. Really! She went to hunt the deer, but has her sights set on a juicy new billionaire client. Sadly, Diane’s hopes are dashed to bits when the “women folk” are escorted off for a spa day. Ms. Lokhart left among a gaggle of Republican Ladies is quite literally her worst nightmare. Poor Diane things went from bad to worse when she escapes the hen party only to step in it with the husband. Turns out the Missus is in fact, a call girl Whoopsie!
However, all is never lost on ‘The Good Wife.’ Ms. Lockhart’s day gets even more memorable when her husband leaves and leaving Diane arguing abortion with her blind mate! The cherry on top comes when she shot a deer, freaking eats it and bags a new client to boot! When it comes to hunting, Diane is a natural!
Lemond is unhappy. First Alicia doesn’t want to speak to him and then his son is still being followed. When the Drug Dealer Daddy intervenes for his son’s protection he is rewarded by Dylan getting expelled from school. As it turns out, the people following Dylan to school were in fact, tailing Kalinda! Before we have time to ponder this Bishop has a surprising announcement. The Kingpin is ready to “retire” and asks for Kalinda’s help in contacting Alicia
Can you believe it? Alicia won! Darn it! I really liked Frank. In a stroke of pure genius, Alica asked Prady to serve as her Deputy, which he promptly turned down. Double darn it!
• Loved Alicia’s doughnut moment!
• I want a body woman! One that offers me sweets, runs interference and forces me to play video games. Where can I get one of those?
• Alicia playing Halo is hilarious. Alicia playing Halo with the body woman and Finn Polmar is priceless!
• Poor Elfman. His frozen smile at Alicia and Peter’s hug hurt even me. I don’t blame him for leaving.
• Creator of Digital Euphoria! • Extreme southern speaker, big hair believer & professional geek • Follow @PxlWvr or contact at Mynda@nicegirlstv.com