12 MONKEYS Recap: Divine Move
Ramse pours gas on everything in Splinter and lights it on fire. Cole is in 2015 so this isn’t good.
Cassy and Aaron are having a lovely little dinner while discussing their next planned adventure. What happens next is what always happens when two hot people are alone together. Of course then in walks Cole. Aaron gets mouthy with Cole, he doesn’t believe in the mission. Good thing Cassy does.
Cassy and Cole go to find Peters, he is the scientist that gave the CIA the virus. Unfortunately they find Peter’s dead husband covered in flowers. Tall man got there first. Thankfully Cassy finds a book containing Peters “recipe” for a plague. In it they find writings that look like they are going to lead Cole to Japan.
Cole gets back to tell Jones about the White Dragon in Tokyo only she isn’t amused. She shows him the destruction Ramse left in his wake. Cole collapses.
Ramse meanwhile heads to a camp set up not too far away. It looks like survivors of Spearhead. Ramse also made off with the serum that Jones injects into Cole so he can travel. Without it they can’t send Cole back. Probably not a good idea to take something Jones will for sure come after.
At one point a caravan of women walk by, they are nomads that believe men started the plague. On the side of one of their vehicles is a monkey. That’s not a good sign.
Cassy is trying to track down suppliers that sold monkeys recently. The plague would need to be tested. This is how they plan to find the Tall Man.
Cole isn’t doing so well. Jones is planning on putting him in a reconditioning unit to help him hold things together a little longer. Before she leaves Jones wants to know where Ramse is, Cole will give her the information but only if Ramse isn’t hurt. She gives Cole her word and then sends Whitley. “What if I have to choose, injections or Ramse?” “We need those injections.”
Ramse goes to pay the ladies of the apocalypse a visit. He asks about the symbol of the monkey on their caravan, do they know about the Army of the 12 Monkeys. Out walks a very aged Jennifer.
Aaron and Cassy are arguing about Cole. Aaron is not Team Cole, but he is Team Cassy. He agrees to help her.
Cole goes into the tube of life, I’m sure that’s the proper name.
Jennifer is talking to Ramse, she is still crazy. Or at least she is still talking in riddles. In exchange for talking to Cole she will tell him where the Witness is. He says he doesn’t know where Cole is. She gives him a necklace and tells Ramse he is a good friend, not yet but he will be. She tells him something happens today that will change things for him. While she is saying that we see Whitley going through Ramse’s bags. In the scuffle one of Whitley’s men shoots Elena. To make it right, Whitley shoots his man and leaves without the serum.
Ramse gets back to find Elena dead. Ramse grabs the serum and heads out.
Back at Splinter Whitley is trying to tell Jones it was an accident. She doesn’t care, she needs the serum. Whitley isn’t going after Ramse, he is a father and should spend whatever time is left being a father.
Aaron and Cassy have tracked the monkeys needed to clone the virus to what looks like a shipping yard. She has the number of the container the monkeys were shipped in. She and Aaron split up to find the container. Cassy finds one of the containers and before she can open it she hears Peters inside. Inside the container is a lab set up with plenty of crates, empty crates. He’s already finished the virus. He did it in exchange for his husband’s life. Cassy knows his husband is already dead. When Peters figures that out he begs Cassy to shoot him. He’s too dangerous to be alive. Cassy can’t do it though.
Aaron meanwhile finds the lady that was working with Tall Man, the one that was “showing” Cassy to the Witness. She asks Aaron to listen, Cassy is important to both of them. He needs to do whatever it takes to keep her alive.
Ramse is back at Splinter. He has the serum, but he wants to speak with Jones before he leaves. Whitley apologizes for Elena’s death and Ramse grabs his gun killing a few of his men. He spares Whitley, but now he is armed. He sets off an alarm. Jones wakes Cole up early and wants to send him back before Ramse gets there. Too late, Ramse is already in the control room. Ramse has a bomb, which he puts on the core. Max shows up and begs Ramse to stop. Jones preaches her mission giving Max time to grab a gun, Ramse shoots at Max, hitting her. Jones manages to get the bomb off of the core before locking Ramse into the room with the core. He injects himself with the serum.
Cole manages to get to Max in time to watch her die while Ramse gets on the platform and into the chair, he makes the one technician in the room send him back.
Aaron and Cassy are at a bar talking about the events of the day. Aaron gets Peters desire to save one person (his husband) at the cost of all others. Cassy does not agree and that is the whole point of the show. How many do you kill in order to save so many.
Cole is getting ready to head back into time. They can’t find Ramse because he doesn’t have a tracer. His trip was one way. Not only that, but Cole only has one jump left. He heads to 1987 to eliminate this plague once and for all.
Ramse “wakes up” is in Tokyo and he isn’t doing so well after the jump.
12 Monkeys airs Friday 9/8c on Syfy