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12 MONKEYS Recap: Tomorrow
Cole is walking around Chechnya bloody and battered. No one even notices though because the plague has ravaged the world. Cole sees Cassy on TV talking about how the CDC is working on a cure. She wants people who are immune to come to Baltimore, she needs their help.
Jones addresses her fellow scientists and soldiers. She denounces Coronel Foster and his hunt for a virus. They come up with a plan to steal Foster’s core. Ramse heads over to Elena and his son, he wants to get her out of there. She doesn’t believe him. Foster has his people fully committed.
Ramse and Cole haven’t met up with Jones yet. They are cold and on the run from the West VII. They come across armed men, Whitley and his troops. They are hauled into the Splinter facility.
Cole gets to the barricade the military is keeping and announces he isn’t sick. The guards look at the West VII brand on his arm and he is immediately taken to a waiting SUV. A woman inside knows his name and says there is a chopper waiting to take him to the US.
Whitley goes to visit his Dad to let him know how Foster has lied. There is no cure. At the same time Ramse and Elena get caught looking through files. Ramse is handcuffed. Foster is interrupted in his interrogation by someone waiting at the gate for him. The person at the gate is Jones. She’s there to give him one last chance to see things her way. Jones is taking that core one way or another.
Whitely is torturing Cole and Ramse to figure out how they found Splinter. I can see where their animosity for each other springs from. Jones puts a stop to this. She tells Cole she has been waiting for him.
Cole is taken to Baltimore by the military. Outside the facility Jennifer is there, acting crazy, as per her usual. She has quite an audience. “We will make from 12 what they cannot.”
Inside Cassy is waiting for Cole. They hug. It’s very sweet.
Jones and Foster reminisce about old times. She pulls out a gun and shoots Foster in the chest. He’s pretty shocked. She’s pretty badass. Or crazy. I’m not sure which yet.
Meanwhile Whitely has talked his Dad into the cause because he shoots two of his own men and lets Whitely and his men into the compound.
Ramse and Elena get free and are about to leave with their son when shooting erupts.
Cole and Ramse are listening to Cassy’s recording for the first time. She says Cole’s name and Jones says he is the one. She just knows. “Fate has chosen you, Mr. Cole.” She brings him to the machine.
In 2043 Jones and her men are taking Foster’s facility by force while she talks in 2041 about how there will be sacrifices. Sacrifices like Whitley’s father who is shot and killed.
Cassy doesn’t look too good, she coughs and looks like she is ready to pass out. She tells Cole he told her where to find him. He doesn’t know it yet because for him it hasn’t happened, but a lot has been going on in the two years since the Chechnya bombing. Cassy faints.
Jones gets the new core back to their facility. Meanwhile Ramsey, Elena and their child are in a building Ramse used to stay at when he and Cole were on the run. Elena says Foster cured the second strain of the virus and that Jones lied. We see Jones burning the evidence of that fact back at the compound.
Cole gets Cassy to wake up. She asks him about the red forest. She wants to tell him everything but she also can’t change his path. She hands him a piece of paper, an address, something he will need, his life depends on it. Cassy dies in Cole’s arms. Seriously, I thought it was bad last episode when they were on the phone and she thought he died. This is worse. So much worse.
Jones starts the machine while in 2017 Cole sits next to a lifeless Cassy. He is then transported back to 2043.
Cole is still mourning Cassy’s passing. Ramse finds him to tell him what happened while he was gone. Ramse isn’t so sure the mission is all that matters. He thinks maybe Jones lied. Ramse tells Cole about finding Elena and his son. He wants Cole to stop. “This isn’t working.” Ramse’s arguments are falling on deaf ears; Cole wants nothing but to save Cassy. I’m not sure I like our two best friends fighting.
12 Monkeys airs 9/8c on Syfy
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