SCANDAL Recap: The Testimony of Diego Munoz
Scandal felt almost like its old self tonight – and that makes me happy.
The Laugh Heard Around the World:
Poor Susan, after Cyrus and Abby assure her being nominated will be a breeze, because nothing ever goes wrong when nominating a VP, she hits a snag. She does the most ridiculous laugh/snort in front of the press. That is publicity you don’t want.
The White House brings in Leo Bergen to help her through the nomination. He is an ass and he’s a bully. Something Susan doesn’t respond well too. In fact she quits prompting Abby to fire Leo and go beg Olivia to get Susan the rest of the way through the nomination. After hearing Abby’s ‘Susan wears a white hat’ plea she does her thing and gets her nominated.
Walk Softly and Carry a Big Gun:
Olivia isn’t doing so well. You can tell by the white wine she is drinking out of the bottle. No red wine. No wine glass, etc…that and she carries a gun around the apartment with her, even while brushing her teeth.
Do you remember Rose? She was the lady who is friends with Olivia’s neighbor Lois. Well she is back and looking for Lois. She asks Olivia to help her find Lois. We know Lois was killed by the kidnappers so Olivia sends Quinn and Huck out to find Lois’s body. There is a moment when Huck and Quinn are bonding over the best way to get rid of a body. It’s oddly cute.
Olivia spends some time with Rose during the episode. Rose tells Liv how Lois was her One. They met when they were 16 and then their parents separated them. 40 years later Rose called Lois and they were together ever since.
When Huck and Quinn find Lois’s body Olivia tells Rose Lois had an aneurism and she died peacefully.
Rose telling Olivia about her and Lois prompts Olivia to get back to some normalcy. She gets her red wine out, pours it in a glass and makes popcorn. The only difference is now she has a gun on the table next to the bottle. Baby steps.
Justice is served:
Apparently there is an hour every month where Rosen, the Attorney General of the United States takes meetings with the general public. It’s usually crazies, but today he gets a credible visitor, Huck’s wife. She brought Huck’s B613 files and wants Rosen to look into B613.
Rosen panics and tells Jake and Huck that someone named Diego gave his wife B613 files, the files Jake gave Rosen. Huck admits that he is Diego. Jake and Rosen are pissed. This is not good.
Huck says he will fix it but his wife insists that he should testify, he needs to make this right and besides the government will protect them. She clearly didn’t read the files close enough if she thinks that. Huck plans to go into the deposition and lie, say he can’t remember anything, PTSD or something. That way his wife and child will be safe, even if she never speaks to him again.
He is following the plan until Rosen starts asking about the hole. Huck breaks down and starts talking about the hole. It is the saddest, most heart wrenching testimony. Rosen gets a little teary eyed listening to it.
Huck’s wife is so proud of him, but Jake is horrified. He can’t believe Huck actually testified. Jake tells Rosen to shut it down. Rosen says no, he is going to use B613 files for what Jake intended originally, to prosecute the bad guys. Jake argues they are the bad guys – he isn’t pleased.
Quote of the week goes to Quinn who said the following to Huck:”I haven’t asked questions even though you’ve been weird and super Hucky.”
Scandal airs Thursday 9/8c on ABC