HELIX 2.09 – ‘Ectogenesis’ Bleeding Trees, Mother & The Carpenters
Alan is dreaming and guess who comes to visit? Doctor Doreen Boyle! And, she is just as full of spunk in death as she was in life. Thank you Helix for her return! Doreen’s frank talk with Alan is just what we were thinking! Someone needed to give him a swift kick in the pants! Bonus points goes to the late Dr. Boyle for using the word ‘frack!”
Sadly, I don’t think he listens very well. Too bad the dead bunny warning sign wasn’t heeded. Kyle is the one to pay the price for their stubbornness and gets dragged away by the mutant minions of St. Germaine! This is where it gets REALLY bad and we all take a ride on the Crazy Train.
Dr. Sommer awakens to realize he is tied to the table and is offered supper by Mrs. Mutant. When she offered him “the good bit” consisting of an eye, Dr. Sommer looses his appetite right along with the rest of us! He looks to heaven for support only to find the dismembered body of Leia hanging from the ceiling!
The poor Texan is treated with a harrowing ordeal of cannibalism and hysterical arguing with the insane. “Blue is my favorite color. Tastes’ great with honey.” Right before he escapes he learns several important things. The Bleeding tree is the reason for their exceedingly poor hygiene. His specific eyes are “clean” because Kyle hasn’t eaten the infected honey which is very good to know cause after his escape it was the thing that saved his eyes but damned his body in the same instant. Thankfully Kyle survived his ordeal, but now is on the clock for death. He must find the bleeding tree, or die.
Anne is trying to keep the survivors on St. Germaine together but fails miserably in the face of Amy’s accusations. She quickly painted a Scarlett Letter on her mother and picked Daddy Dearest apart all in one fell speech! “The old ways are dead. The time has come to move on.” And, just like that, everyone went over to Team Amy.
Peter intervened and talked Anne of the ledge. Literally. Thankfully she didn’t jump and there is some spunk left in her after all. Peter unwittingly taught her it was okay to speak her own mind. “I felt safe with you…..I’m not going down without a fight.”
Sergio and Dr. Walker have a plan to find the Infertility equipment and Michael. Their plans go slightly awry when, whadd’ya know! Peter answers the door. Color Julia surprised!
Dr. Walker is presented with Anne who is doing quite well in expressing herself in her newfound freedom. Peter and Anne are emboldened by Dr. Walker’s needs and agree to give her their infertility grafts for a price. One hundred million of them to be exact along with immunity from Illaria. Compared with saving the whole world, that’s a fair price. Anne speaks of a tree they call ‘Mother’ and promises to supply it. There’s only one catch. Mother is gone!
Dr. Jordan tries to spring her baby-in-a-jar only to be foiled by Sister Amy. She demands to be made immortal in exchange for the baby and she is not taking “No” for an answer! I saw some curious morbid parallels in Shel Silverstiens ‘The Giving Tree’ in their interactions. Little did I know later, how true that was!
Sarah is forced to donate her own spinal fluid without the benefit of anesthesia and direct Amy in the procedure while Landry observes. Helix is genius in their awkward, creepy, and uncomfortable moments. This one should have come with a warning label! WARNING: Some discomfort may be experienced while viewing!
The extraction was successful, however Amy did not trust Dr. Jordan enough to allow her to perform the procedure on herself. This was a good thing cause she was right. Enter Landry, who volunteered to be a human guinea pig all for the love of Amy. The besotted Landry survived the process, but not without some nuclear side effects! Did Amy follow through on her threat to kill the baby?
Questions &Questions:
• What the hell is the bleeding tree?
• If Sarah’s baby is immortal, does that mean it will forever be a fetus?
• What the heck is Mother? Is she a graft from the bleeding tree?
• Where is Mother? I suspect Amy.
• All the eye eating talk killed me!
• The Carpenters song was freaking brilliant!