SCORPION Recap: Once Bitten, Twice Die
Scorpion was renewed for a second season a little while back and I swear if they don’t get rid of this ridiculous over explanatory opening…We get it, you guys are smart.
The case this week involves Lithuania, Belarus and Latvia. They are having some conflicts. War is emanate. It is up to the team to make it look like the secret meeting the three countries leaders are having on US soil is happening in their own countries. Walter has a super fancy green screen that layers images or something. The point is its fancy.
The main points from this episode:
*Gallo is an old western, black and white movie fan boy. It’s adorable.
*The State Department director of something or other is mean to Paige. Poor Paige.
*Paige wrote a 25 page paper about the customs of these three countries involved and no one, absolutely no one read it. They are all acting like Paige isn’t helpful.
*For some reason all of the leaders of these countries speak English. Even when whispering or so worked up they are physically fighting.
*One of the leaders is poisoned. There have a murderer on the grounds. They have about 90 minutes before World Word III. No pressure.
*Thanks to Paige’s largely ignored research she knows the poison used was snake venom.
*Gallo is fiercely protective of his team.
*Stealing a snake (which is what Paige, Walter and Happy are doing) isn’t as easy as it sounds.
*A venomous snake perched mouth open at a man’s crotch is always a solid gag for a show.
*Walter likes to talk about Paige when he’s hallucinating.
*A salad spinner can be used as a centrifuge in a pinch. I have my doubts.
*HAPPY KISSED TOBY! Not a small peck…a real kiss. She doesn’t want to talk about it.
*Their new pet ferret is named Ferret Bueller, even though Walter doesn’t get just how funny that is.
Scorpion airs Monday 9/8c on CBS