The Good Wife – 6.14 ‘Minds Eye’ Surprising Life Lessons
This is not so much a recap as it is an observation of this weeks episode.
Alicia’s voice is trashed and everyone is freaked out. She is hours away from an potentially election winning interview and all the “what if’s” take Alicia on an acid trip from hell. This episode is contained largely within Ms. Florrick’s head.
And, isn’t that just the way it is in real life? It goes on all around while we imagine dragons in every corner. Alicia is no different. Her thoughts lead in an odyssey of fears, hopes and random weirdness mixed together all at once.
What occurs, in my opinion, is not so much as entertainment but lessons on life for us all. Now I don’t know if everyone sees things this way, or if the writers even intended for such an event, but that is the way of it. We each get to make up our minds for ourselves.
The difference between reality and fear is up to us. We get to choose what we believe, whether faith or nothing at all. Our attitude toward any situation makes all the difference. What do you want? Alicia wants to win the election. But, why? I don’t think till now, she even knew.
Mis Florrick is attracted to her Campaign Manager Jonathan Elfman. Prior to this she hadn’t acknowledged that fact, even to herself. Everything is tangled is it not? Our past experiences tend to want to bleed into the present irregardless of application. The “should do’s” conflict with the “want to do’s.” And, lets face it, no one likes to be should on. It was refreshing to see Alicia go past the confusion of what she desired versus what was correct in everyone else’s opinion, thus forming her own brave choice.
The conflict between the expectations of others and being true to yourself is a struggle common to all. This episode illustrated that beautifully. And, ultimately, we are the ones who have to live with decisions made for good or ill. It seems to me that Alicia is well on her way to navigating those waters quite well. I for one, aspire to do the same.
• Creator of Digital Euphoria! • Extreme southern speaker, big hair believer & professional geek • Follow @PxlWvr or contact at Mynda@nicegirlstv.com