12 MONKEYS Recap: Yesterday
Jones is praying and it’s freaking out Ramse. Jones isn’t the type to pray. Also the future still being what it is means Cole stopping the outbreak in Chechnya last episode didn’t change anything. Unfortunately the core is unstable and they aren’t able to bring Cole home.
Cassy is mourning Cole’s death. Aaron agrees to help her get closure, by asking the government for answers.
The manifold in the core is busted, they need a new one. Jones tasks Whitley and Ramse with going to get one. Road Trip to Spearhead, the place where what was left of the government and best minds in the world worked on a cure. We see how well that worked. The General running Spearhead is in control of the second core and the only good manifold to be found. This retrieval mission is going to need some luck.
No Time Given
Cole is still ALIVE! That blast didn’t kill him – somehow. He is not in great shape but that’s nothing for a time traveling badass. He MacGyver’s a bullet out of his leg and hears voices above him.
Back in the States Cassy and Aaron pay Senator Royce a visit. When asked if Cole survived the Senator said his body wasn’t found. Cassy is hopeful Cole is still alive. She talks the Senator into letting her go to Chechnya to verify the situation.
Ramse, Whitley and their convoy visit Spearhead. They are greeted by a strong military presence. Turns out Whitley’s father is head of Spearhead’s security. They get an audience with the Coronel. I should mention that Spearhead is nice, like art on the walls, clean floors, kids running around playing, clean. (Did I mention clean?)
The Coronel isn’t willing to part with his spare manifold. He is as adamant he can cure the virus as Jones is she has to send someone back to stop the 12 Monkeys. Genius and Insanity…very close relatives.
No Time Given
Cole gets the people he can hear to finally hear him. He gets their names and asks for help. Something about this is shady but I’m not sure what yet.
Ramse, whose first name is Jose, runs into Elena at Spearhead, and he is very emotional. She left him because the West VII were hunting him. She couldn’t stay. “I would have protected you.” Then it gets even crazier. Elena has a child, he’s five. The same amount of time since Elena left Ramse. Ramse is a Dad!
Jones takes Whitley and Ramse’s failure to secure a new manifold in stride. She does some repairs herself and they restart the core.
No Time Given
Cole gets the people he is talking to to help him move a giant beam in his way.
Jones starts the machine again and it blows. Fire everywhere, but no Cole. He is still wherever or whenever he is. The core is dead. They have 48 hours before they lose the tether to Cole.
Ramse is still talking to Elena; trying to process he has a son. Elena preaches the Coronel’s good works and how great it is that her son, their son can grow up in a decent environment.
Cassy is packed and ready to go. She gives Aaron a very friendly goodbye kiss.
Ramse and his son spend some time together under Elena’s watchful eye. Her eyes aren’t dry and they shouldn’t be. Have you ever seen Ramse be quite so sweet? He is pulled away by Whitley when Jones shows up.
I’d like to comment that at this point we are only 30 minutes into the episode. They get some stuff done on 12 Monkeys.
No Time Given
Cole is bleeding and starting to see things, hallucinate. The girl Cole is talking to sent her Dad to get help, only while Cole is talking to her she starts to cough. She keeps repeating, “Help is coming.” This can’t be good.
Jones and company sit down to eat with the Coronel. Jones says she needs the Coronel’s whole core now. The Coronel says nope. Ramse says it best, “Lot of lives at stake and you two are having a dick measuring contest.” The Coronel says he will give her the core to borrow in exchange she comes back to work with him on the cure. She’s not swayed or convinced. She asks him what he has to show for his years of work and he throws the same question back at her. Jones tosses a picture at him; it’s a picture of the Coronel and his wife on their wedding day. She wants to speak in private.
The Coronel can’t figure out how she got the picture, it was lost in fire, along with everything else when Atlanta fell. She has a time traveling man….so obviously that’s how. Jones gives him a good speech about how he can have his wife back, society, culture. All he needs to do is help her. He’s a stubborn bastard though and burns the pictures. “This cure isn’t a memory.”
Ramse and Elena talk a little more about their son. Ramse says, “He has your eyes and your smile. He’s going to break a lot of hearts.” Ramse says goodbye to Elena with a kiss. He says he will be back but I’m not sure how that would happen.
Cassy is in Chechnya. She pays a taxi driver to get her as close to the blast as possible. He can’t get her to the blast site because the military has it secured but he can get her close.
Ramse and convoy are back at their headquarters with no core. Jones hears Ramse talking about how maybe the Coronel has a point, maybe he can find the cure. Jones doesn’t believe the Coronel at all. Jones talk to Whitley privately, she wants to take the Coronel’s core, “by any means necessary.”
No Time Given/2015
Cole wakes up to hear the girl he was talking to say help is there.
Cassy gets to the barricade and has the taxi driver bribe the guards.
Cole’s help manages to move the beam out of the way and drop a line that he can be pulled up with.
Cassy enters the blast zone and sees nothing there but we see Cole being lifted out of the same place Cassy is looking at in 2015. Cassy calls Aaron and says Cole isn’t there, she’s sure no one survived.
Cole finally talks to the girl face to face, it’s 2017 and there is a plague that has covered the globe.
12 Monkeys airs Friday 9/8c on Syfy