HELIX 2.08 – ‘Vade in Peace’ Terminal Haircuts
We begin in the aftermath of Brother Michael’s “Thinning.” They are all dead save a select chosen few. “Everything that lives must someday fade.” And, this Cult Leader isn’t done yet although his term for murder is ‘purified.’ You say tomato…..
Never one to let grass grow under him, Michael continues on to Sister Amy. It seems her time locked in the poison plant cabinet has given her space to think. She has reconsidered her options and offers herself to Father for the “Planting Ritual.” Eeeww!
Thank goodness it was all a ruse! Michael’s God Complex got in the way of him seeing the truth. It was hilarious seeing the leader continue in his delusions of grandeur all the way up to the cement covering the pit he was thrown into. Well, at least he’s consistent!
Alan tries to make up with Dr. Jordan. The old “I was out of my mind” excuse doesn’t work, especially when it involves removing her baby. She is determined her child is still alive and isn’t taking any more bullshit from the men.
Now, all bets are off and all the secrets are out. When Sarah revealed her immortal identity to Kyle I thought he might blow a gasket. Poor Dr. Sommer, the wheel’s still spinning but the hamster is dead. Despite the huge evidence supporting her claim, he still didn’t want to believe. The two share a moment together, but I’m afraid there will be no match here. I think he’s firmly ensconced in the dreaded Friend Zone.
Dr. Walker’s next conquest is turned on the new leader, Sister Amy. Sarah demands Amy’s help in finding her baby. The new cult leader was all to happy to comply. “We would never hurt a baby.”
And, true to her word they haven’t. Not only does Amy know where her child is, she has it! The revelation happens to have one catch: immortality. Amy demands Dr. Jordan gift her with immortality in exchange for her child!
Peter and Anne have bonded in their captivity. It’s sweet to see how the two comfort one another. All of this is interrupted by the entrance of Alan and the other Dr. Farragut is no forgiving mood. Sadly their reunion with fists is stopped dead with the appearance of Lieutenant Commander Winger.
She crashes the party with bad news. The pathogen has spread beyond the island. Her appearance is refreshing and when she learns of another Dr. Farragut she requires his evacuation as well.
In the future, Dr. Walker climbs over the ruin that is St. Germaine. “This island is nothing but a grave.” Honey! You don’t know the half of it! Everything comes full circle when a grave inscribed “Michael” is discovered.
Our favorite immortal quickly frees Brother Michael and questions the former captive regarding her quest. She is looking for a child. Could that be The Child? I think it is. The deposed leader plays nicey nice and pretending to lead her to a cliffside location right up until the point he pushes her over the edge. Thankfully, Caleb appears just in the nick of time giving Michael a much needed terminal shave and saves the day.
• Which side is Peter really on?
• I think Caleb is Jordan’s baby. What do you think?
• Brother Michael’s portrait on the wall of fame/shame is perfect!
• Do you know the way to San Jose?