SCORPION Recap: Going South
Nauseatingly long opening sequence – Check.
Walter pulls the team together to show them an interview he did, an interview where he talks mainly about himself. When the team does get mentioned, very briefly at the end, the interviewer doesn’t even get the facts about them straight. You can guess how well that went over.
Case of the week involves the kidnapped daughter of a tech billionaire. Richard Ella says his daughter Zoe was kidnapped by a Mexican drug cartel. Their job is to figure out where Zoe is being held so Richard can send his contractor (aka mercenaries) in to rescue her. Sylvester does some hacking and locates the city she is being held in. That isn’t good enough for Walter though. He loads the team into Richard’s private jet and heads to Mexico to pinpoint Zoe’s location. Team Scorpion in drug cartel territory? This doesn’t seem like the best plan.
They land in Mexico only to find out their police escort from the airport plans on leaving them at a bus stop 10 miles from town. Moments later they are robbed of their $2 million ransom. Things aren’t going so great. Thankfully Gallo meets up with them so there is hope to turn this mission around.
The team finds the building Zoe was being held in at one point. Only now they have walked into an ambush with motion sensor machine guns. Some shooting and shenanigans and they are back to their hotel room unharmed. To make matters worse the mercenaries are now spooked. They won’t come into the city. Saving Zoe is entirely up to Scorpion now.
Thanks to GPS tracking and laser something or other the team has a plan to infiltrate the building where they think the cartel has Zoe. Plan ‘infiltrate the scary cartel building’ starts off well, Gallo takes out a guard and Paige gets to wow us with her fluent Spanish. Happy manages to free Zoe while Gallo runs interference. The genius of their getaway plan was mounting the motion senor gun that almost killed them previously on the building, keeping the cartel hostage in their own backyard while Team Scorpion escapes.
Back in LA they reunite Richard with his daughter Zoe. While they are hugging it out Walter pulls the team aside and apologizes for the earlier interview. They accept.
Elsewhere Sylvester is dating Walter’s sister. Something Sylvester finally works up the courage to tell Walter. At first Walter isn’t so pleased about it but he quickly gets past it.
Scorpion airs 9/8c on CBS