SCANDAL Recap: No More Blood
Well what do you know – Olivia speaks Farsi. Suppose she picked that up from Rosetta Stone? She uses her handy little skill to play her kidnappers and the Iranians, that won her in the bid, against each other. It works.
Meanwhile the CIA has an extraction plan as well as a termination plan. Not a very good extraction plan, something that doesn’t seem to faze Fitz. He wants her back. Now. Cyrus isn’t amused; he has a whole internal war over what needs to be done, before visiting with the CIA and suggesting, “We may need to neutralize the asset.”
Over at OPA Huck finds the new auction site, things are back on. Quinn makes Huck promise if they lose the auction he won’t lose it. “No more blood.” With that they start bidding. When all is said and done OPA and the Russian’s tie. Thanks to the worst poker face in the history of the world Olivia’s kidnappers figure out Olivia wants Marie Wallace to win. They are going to give her to the Russians. Honestly, considering her job I’d think Olivia would be better at keeping her feelings off her face.
Abby tells OPA about the CIA/Cyrus plan. She tells them to get their Plan B’s in order, any hail mary they can think of. Jake visits mama Pope who gives him Rowan’s location. Rowan has a huge speech about people being predictable and then says, “I don’t have a daughter.” So I guess he’s not helping.
Thankfully Cyrus’s eyes are better than his hair because right before the CIA is ready to fire he recognizes the man sent to pick up Liv. IT’S STEPHEN! Olivia is especially happy to see him, obviously. She even takes a moment to shoot her kidnapper with Stephen’s gun before Stephan assures her that she is safe. Olivia and Stephen chat and she offers him his old office back. Unfortunately for us he is happy with his current life. “You saved me. I never thought I’d have the chance to return the favor.”
At the White House we get to see Abby telling Cyrus how she tracked Stephen down via Interpol. “Once a Gladiator, always a Gladiator.” Abby seems shocked that Cyrus almost had Olivia killed. This is the man that killed the pregnant intern back in season one or two, almost had Charlie kill his husband, etc…it’s not a stretch.
Back Stateside Olivia is debriefed by the CIA before Jake and Quinn bring her home. Huck is there too, he is installing new locks, four new ones to be exact. Jake offers to stay, but Olivia just wants to sleep…alone. No sooner have they left than Fitz shows up. Their music starts to play, however it isn’t a makeup we are about to see, it is a fight. She can’t believe he went to war over her. “Everything I’ve sacrificed to get you here…to keep you here…” Olivia is pissed. She throws the ring Huck returned to her moments ago, at Fitz, and ushers him out of her apartment before very purposely locking her four new locks.
Also in this episode: Mellie brings Andrew his amnesty agreement. He doesn’t plan to go quietly though, he swears if he can never be President neither can she. Mellie, not one to go down without a fight, enlists RNC Lizzy to help her shut up Andrew. “Show some solidarity sister.” Lizzy does this by visiting Huck. She asks Huck to make Andrew pay, and pay he does. By the time Huck is done with him Andrew is a quivering mess. I think the medical term is stroked out.
Olivia is back. She broke up with Fitz. Huck isn’t going to kill people anymore. Things are back to “normal”. Let’s see how long this lasts.
Scandal airs Thursday 9/8c on ABC