DOWNTON ABBEY: Misery Loves Someone {Recap}
Beginning where everyone wants to start: what’s going on with Edith?
Everyone, including Rosamund, is off to look for Edith and that means that what happened has to be explained to Cora. Obviously, she’s hurt to know not she had another grandchild but gets over that and they go to London to look for her at Mr. Gregson’s office. They find her and eventually decide that Edith could come home, if she wants. No one would have to know about Marigold’s parents, especially if she was staying with the other children in the nursery as the story of Edith being Marigold’s godchild could stick well enough.
Mary, thankfully, works something out with Mr. Blake to help get Lord Gillingham and Miss Lane Fox back together. She’s still not interested in Edith’s problems, which Violet points out that she should care, but Mary does what Mary does best: be self-centered.
When the Sinderby’s are over for their dinner, Isobel announces her engagement to Lord Merton. But Violet worries about Isobel accepting the proposal because it means that the two of them can’t be as close as they are now.
There’s another dinner with Lord Merton after Isobel announces their engagement, and as one could expect, it’s horrible. Lord Merton’s sons are rude, not only to Isobel but to Tom again. That dinner does allow Atticus to propose to Rose, however, and she accepts.
Tom has made a decision and will move to Boston and he talks to Sybbie about it, but she doesn’t fully understand what he says, but she’s very young still.
Isis’ problem turns out to be cancer and she dies peacefully between Cora and Robert one final night.
Downstairs, it’s not quiet and peaceful either.
Daisy’s frustrated after the Labour government has troubles and wants to stop all the hard work she’s done. With the help of Mr. Mason, Baxter and Molesley help to get her to continue with what she’s been doing so far.
Mr. Green’s death is still causing all sorts of problems in the house. Mary doesn’t have the ticket from Bates’ jacket. Baxter apologizes for what she put the Bates through with the officers.
With Mrs Patmore buying property, it makes Bates think that they might want to buy a house here and settle after they retire.
Carson’s plan for a shared house to rent with Mrs Hughes has her looking at property too.