HELIX 2.05 – ‘Oubiette’ Bees are unfun, Immortal Dad’s are worse!
Everyone knew Dr. Sommer wasn’t who he appeared to be and this week our suspicions were confirmed. Kyle has an agenda all his own. He’s working for the US Government. Being a mole went right out the window when the Texan discovered Sarah injured!
Seeing him with Dr. Jordan made it very clear he just might have a new number one agenda. Kyle clearly hit a wall with Sarah and turned into the the biggest Drama King we’ve ever seen. “We’re so far past panic. It would take the light from panic a hundred years to reach us!”
In the future Caleb stumbles upon the injured Dr. Walker and takes her to his cave for some very crude suturing. I must say, I totally loved the Wolverine reference! The pair bonded over a can of beans once more and secrets were shared right up until the point Caleb ran off with Hatakes katana. Well that didn’t turn out so well. Who is this Caleb guy?
Michael plays shocked when Peter confronts him with his killer bee suspicion. The former Vector King even went so far as to rat his brother out to the cult leader. The Brother, gave both brothers their just desserts when he dumped both of them in a pit together for the sheer joy of watching them duke it out like two rats in a bag. The reunited siblings did not disappoint and quickly resorted to beating the hell out of each other.
After both were exhausted a very temporary truce was arranged resulting in Peter being left behind after he aids Alan in escaping. You can’t say he didn’t deserve it, but Alan’s freedom was short-lived when Karma bit him back instantaneously resulting in his capture by Kyle! Now, that little story line is so pretty it needs a bow!
Michael confronts Sister Anne and Amy about the pollen problem. His point is emphasized very effectively by attacking Anne with a beautiful but formerly deadly plant. “On this island nature does what I tell it to do. Just like you. Fix this.”
When Sister Agnes treats Sarah’s wounds she marvels at her remarkable healing properties and clearly it is a phenomenon she has seen before. After drugging her patient long enough to discover Dr. Jordan’s silver eyes, her suspicion is confirmed. Granny makes a bee line (I just had to say it.) straight to Michael! It turns out the good Brother is much, much more. Not only is he immortal, but he’s also Granny’s Daddy! Wowzers! He rewards his daughters confrontation with death. That was unexpected.
Observations and Questions:
• Amy’s manipulation of Landry is disgusting. Her further overtly sexual behavior has all the subtlety of a sledgehammer.
• Loved the Apple Orchard disco!
• I used to like bees.
• Now we know what all those pictures on the wall represent. Did you notice the painting “Girl with a pearl earring?” That guy must really be ancient!
• What the heck does that inscription on Hatake’s katana mean?
• Is Hatake still alive?