It’s Valentine’s Day and love is in the air…well for some people. Somebody has a major crush on Jay and I’m not talking about Gloria! Scandalous! Let’s get to it!
Claire and Phil plan their annual role-playing game where they meet at a hotel bar as strangers and have a wild fun night together. Claire showed up looking super hot in a black dress as Juliana. Their sexy banter back and forth was hilarious! They ended up skinny dipping in the hotel pool! Phil was so into her, Claire started to feel like he had the hots for Juliana more than he did for her. He was willing to be fun and free with Juliana but wanted to home and talk about work with Claire. To rectify this problem, as Juliana she tried to turn him off by mentioning her boyfriend, and how she had an infected toe nail. Gross! Phil caught on and broke up with Juliana because he was madly in love with his wife. It was cute.
Manny didn’t have a Valentine this year so he was drowning his sorrows on the couch watching TV and eating ice cream (as one does). Gloria’s sister Sophia was visiting and Gloria suggested they all have dinner together at home. Jay bought a chain for Stella (his real love, the dog) and saw Sophia in the kitchen and felt bad for her. He told her that he got her a little something for Valentine’s Day and gave her the chain he bought for Stella. She was so happy and hugged him tightly.
After the nice gift, Sophia had a crush on Jay. She managed to get Jay alone for dinner (because Gloria twisted her ankle). Sophia borrowed one of Gloria’s dresses and made herself up. She looked like a vixen on the prowl and she was. Jay and Manny had their suspicions, but Gloria refused to believe her sister would do that to her. Well she was wrong! As soon as she had the chance, she threw Jay on the bed and told him that she would treat him better than Gloria and he didn’t need her. Tip #1 if you are going to be trifling enough to try to steal your sister’s husband, make sure the baby monitor is off first! Gloria heard the whole thing and attacked her sister. They were fighting over Jay on the bed. It was pretty funny and Jay loved every minute of it.
Cam and Mitch had an interesting Valentine’s Day. Their friends Anders and Cooper (clever) were having an anniversary party, but when they got there no one was there. The party was canceled because Cooper wanted a divorce. Anders was distraught, but what were they thinking? They no longer had to give Anders and Cooper a gift. They got the couple an expensive painting that they wanted to keep. After a cat and mouse game of finding their gift, they got out of there with a wedding gift from Anders and their painting they were going to give to him. Happy Valentine’s Day Cam and Mitch!
Fave Quote of the night: Jay- “You must have big plans today, it’s like your Super Bowl right?”
Manny- “No I’m sitting it out this year. The whole holiday has gotten laughably commercial.”
Jay – “Sounds like Amy turned you down.”
Manny- “Like a bed in a 5 star hotel.”
Hilarious! I love that kid! Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!
Modern Family airs Wednesday nights at 9/8c on ABC.