Castle: Teasing 7×14 “Resurrection” – **SPOILERS**
See the title of this article? See that word at the end? Heed the warning. There be spoilers ahead.
Okay, you’ve been warned… twice.
ABC was kind enough to make available a screener of the first of a two part 3XK mini-arc entitled “Resurrection”. It’ll be the 14th episode of this season, airing on February 9th. It was written by David Amann and directed by Bill Roe.
One of the things I realized while watching this episode is how cunning the showrunners have been over the past few years. They’ve managed to make the whole team – save Gates – personally involved in making sure Jerry Tyson gets put away for his crimes. Lanie and Javier had people remade in their images turned into victims, Kevin’s gun was stolen by Tyson and used in a murder, and while he has a vague vendetta against Kate & Castle for hunting him down, he has a personal hatred for Rick. One which led to Castle being framed for murder two seasons ago.
Scenes from various past 3XK episodes were shown in order to inform the viewer of the mythos of the characters (Tyson and Kelly Nieman). Although even if you’re already familiar, the scenes add a chilling effect to the episode. One of the flashbacks they pick is between Tyson and Castle where Rick is visited by Tyson in the holding area and this dialogue is spoken by the killer:
People think it’s killing that I like, but murder’s just an act. It’s all about the anticipation, the planning.
I think that’s the most telling line in the whole hour. We’ve heard nary a peep from 3XK or his minions since “Disciple”, and I’m pretty sure planning is exactly what he’s been doing. And this time he has what appears to have a long-term partner in Kelly Neiman. Perhaps trying to imitate his nemesis? (That’s just my theory btw)
During the whole episode, it’s a tug-of-war between the two opposing sides. Each time you think one side has an edge, everything turns upside-down again. And while this is definitely a cliffhanger episode (without a long wait for the second half, thank goodness), there is a lot to be learned in the first part.
Something that I really should’ve picked up on when it happened? – Yeah, they kinda shine a light on what it means here. And I said to myself, “DUH KAREN… HOW DID YOU NOT GET THAT?!?” I’m hoping you’ll know what I mean when it makes itself known, but if not, let me know – I’ll fill you in. It’s something that was speculated about… A. LOT. And it’s just so simple.
“Resurrection” is a tense, edge-of-your-seat ride that you’ll be begging to see the ending of – and I can only say, it’ll be worth the week’s wait. Even though I haven’t seen the second part – I just know it’s gonna live up to my expectations.
In my opinion, which this whole article is (oddly enough ), this is the best episode of the season. The only peeve I might have is that it doesn’t seem to have a thread to Rick’s mysterious disappearance, but who knows what will happen in part two.
Also, a huge kudos to Michael Mosley & Annie Wersching who simply inhabit their characters. As Tyson and Neiman, they make this episode amazing by taking believeability to the next level.
“Resurrection” airs MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9 (10:01-11:00 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network.
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