HELIX 2.04 – ‘Densho’ Mayberry, bumblebees & heart shaped pancakes
There’s something fishy going on with the bees on St. Germaine. Travis proves it later when he gets infected by one and turns into a paranoid goo spewing mess. Helix proved it! I always knew bees were evil!
Dr. Sommers is still recovering from his attempted stoning and is confronted with an apparently apologetic Brother Michael. The two face off like two junkyard dogs till Sarah interrupts. Her presence gives Michael a new focus and it’s clearly centered on her. “Have we met?” Geez, does that line work on all the girls? This guy clearly needs some new material which is further evidenced by his “Let it be” speech. Dude! The Beatles used that one decades ago.
His interaction did lead to some interesting questions. Why are all those photos on the wall and who the hell is mother? First Hiroshi goes full Norman Bates and then St. Germaine drops the “Mother” reference. What the Helix is going on?
Dr. Jordan is hot on the trail of uncovering the truth and continues seeking answers from Olivia, Soren’s mother. Olivia knows something is up with her son. Sometimes it is easier to cling to an obvious lie than acknowledge a dreadful truth. Dr. Jordan asked one question too many and the mother snaps. The resulting scuffle left Sarah with a knife to the abdomen. What is going to happen to her baby?
Hatake continues his delusion with Dr. Walker and dotes on her with heart shaped pancakes paired with the promise of coming “therapy.” The treatment is obviously lethal and Julia gains some valuable time by convincing Daddy Dearest to go fishing with his decapitated son, Daniel.
Now, Helix has been known for it’s creative use of cheerful music during horrible events, but this episode raised the bar to a whole new level! The instant the whistling started, this Southern Girl knew EXACTLY what was going on! Seriously. No child of the South escapes childhood without being educated by the Andy Griffith Show. I was howling with laughter when Hiroshi and Daniel traipsed down the dirt road fishing gear in tow! The cherry on top came when Aerov even skipped a stone. Somewhere Ron Howard must be smiling.
Julia finally manages to escape when Hatake moves in for a hug and receives a syringe to the back instead. She runs out of the cabin taking Daddy’s axe with her, however Hatake ups the ante by a million when he pulls out his katana. The ensuing fight was a truly beautiful. Hiroyuki Sanada with a sword is an eye filled wonder to behold. Special props goes to Kyra Zagorsky who held her own with grace and strength.
Helix knows just how to twist the knife deeper and Hatake’s katana bestowing scene with his daughter struck all the right chords. One thing is for sure on Helix. Dead does not necessarily mean dead and although our last scene left Hatake seated at the table with his dead family members, he wasn’t dead yet! I’m not counting him out!
Meanwhile Peter helps Alan up from his shovel induced nap and the two still do nothing but bicker. Peter goes to the rooftop and pulls out his satellite phone for further instructions. He wants to abort, but is not allowed. Who you may ask IS Peter talking with? It’s none other than Ballesteros! I’d recognize those eyes anywhere! The bigger question now becomes, is Peter still a double agent for Ilaria working with Sergio who IS a double agent working against Ilaria? This is truly mind bending folks!