NEW GIRL Recap: Swuit
New Girl is back and it doesn’t disappoint.
Flashbacks are the best – there is very little more amusing to me than fat Schmidt and long haired Nick.
Schmidt and Nick’s “company” name in college was Schnick. Turns out Nick, in what I can only assume was a mushroom induced high, had the idea for smartphones. Too bad Schnick didn’t run with that.
Present day Schnick is back at it again and they have a meeting set up to pitch their latest idea to Lori Greiner from QVC. What could possibly go wrong? Let’s start with the product, it’s a swuit. A suit made entirely of sweat suit material.
Jess of course has to meddle in Nick and Schmidt’s business. She tells them both they are having man problems in an effort to get them to work together better, because that make sense. Schmidt wants to know what exactly Nick’s man problems are, “He’s got the wet Tuesday’s…Did the squirrels get to the tulip bulbs?”
Not shockingly Jess is found out and the boys are mad, not so mad they won’t still have their bedtime chat. It’s a chat where they go over the events of their days before going to sleep, but still, they are mad.
The next day Nick and Schmidt get to the meeting to find they forgot their prototype at the loft. Jess goes to drive it over to them only to spill coffee on herself. Lucky for her she has their swuit in the backseat. The pitch doesn’t go well but it still nets them $10,000.00. That is the going rate to kill an idea.
Elsewhere Winston and Coach find out Cece needs to make more money or she can’t pay her college tuition. They decide to invest in her. This is what happens with Winston reads Schmidt’s investment books while on the toilet. She doesn’t want to borrow the money but she doesn’t have any other choice.
The episode wraps up with Nick wanting to start working on his next idea; he’s quite ambitious by Nick standards.
New Girl airs Tuesday 9/8c on Fox