DOWNTON ABBEY: Love Is Dangerous {Recap}
Upstairs, more drama unfolds (shocking!), this time with Rosamund also included.
Rosamund comes to visit while Lord Grantham has a series of duties as Lord Luitenenant around York. She can at least talk to Edith about Marigold and what to do. Mrs. Drewe misreads Rosamund’s visit and Edith showing off Marigold as a plaything before she puts her foot down and says Edith can’t visit anymore or else the Drewes will move away and take Marigold. Rosamund has a suggestion to take Marigold to France for schooling, which Edith dislikes. Violet also finds out about Marigold and she even knows that Marigold can’t stay with the Drewes much longer.
Tom’s still struggling with his idea of being well-off and how he now knows both side of the coin. One more conversation with Miss Bunting has reminded Tom that he isn’t always going to be a Socialist and that he and Miss Bunting might be well to not see each other again. To make it even easier, Miss Bunting has been offered a job and is leaving.
Despite Violet wanting to have Dr. Clarkson disapprove of Lord Merton and Isobel, it turns out that they are well suited. In her other doings, Shprimpy has found – or thinks he’s found – the Princess in Hong Kong.
More information about Mr. Green’s death now makes an inspector from Scotland Yard and the local officer to question Mary, and Anna. It is an easy conversation with Mary, but not Anna, who worries about what the police think to Bates later.
One day in the rain, Rose meets a nice gentleman who helps her carries sweets to the Russians that day. He’s of Russian blood and his father is the new Lord Sinderby. By the end of the tea with the Russians, Rose learns that Atticus’ family is Jewish who escaped Odessa.
Upon Mr. Bricker’s latest trip to Downton, Robert is still put off and even more so when he discovers Mr. Bricker has entered their room uninvited. Lord Grantham and Bricker have a fight in the room and Robert goes to sleep in his dressing room, frustrated that Cora would let another man flirt with her so much.
When Mary is in London, Mr Blake organized dinner with the two of them and Miss Lane Fox, and that they can all work on something for their gain in the end. The idea is that Mabel take Lord Gillingham back after Mary has cast him off. She doesn’t take the suggestion well and walks out on dinner.
Things are still far from easy downstairs, even if the upstairs is swimming in far off situations.
Baxter tells Molesley of what happened to her in her old job and he still says that she’s a victim as much as her old mistress was.
Mrs Patmore has come into some money from an old aunt who died and has asked Carson to help her decide where to spend the money. Carson is suggesting that she invest in the building trade, and offers the name of the firm Lord Grantham is using for his building project. Rather than invest in a company, Mrs Patmore is going to buy a cottage and then rent it out or take in lodgers as needed.