SCANDAL Recap: Run
I’m trying something new – it’s called restraint. Do I want to gush for 3000 words about every detail of this episode? Yes. Yes I do. Am I going to? No. No I’m not. Restraint. Deep Breath – here we go.
Jake looks good running down the street in his underwear. He is however running after a decoy as the kidnappers pull Olivia into an apartment across the hall. She is right there under his nose.
Olivia is wily, leaving her ring for Jake to find or at least I hope he finds it. She’s like Gretel with the bread crumbs. I suppose it helps to know that not only is Jake looking for her, a certified bad ass, so is the President and your highly capable team of Gladiators.
Olivia, as we well know, is one hell of a motivator. Her speech last episode to rally Cyrus was all fire but this speech to her fellow “inmate” is softer. Softer but still moving enough to get him on board with her plan to escape. “I’m going to save us…I’m Olivia Pope.”
It’s a testament to how messed up your life has become when you are having a stranger search your body for a tracking device that may have been implanted without your knowledge because your Dad implanted one in your Mother without her knowing. “Your Father is – Ike Turner?”
Forget wily, Olivia is a regular MacGyver. Using the underwire of her bra to pick a window lock? My word. Her efforts get her roommate Ian killed so that’s not good.
Well sure, I’d be having trippy dreams about living a lovely life with Fitz in Vermont too if I was really sleeping on a dirty mattress in some bunker like building in who knows what part of the world. “Now you make jam for a living? Really? Do you know how to use a dutch oven? Do you know how to turn on a regular oven?” Leave it to Abby to be a bringer of reason even in a dream.
What is it Jake said last week, aim for the “Heart, hips, head.” Olivia took that advice and aims a foraged pipe at one of the kidnappers head – repeatedly. With his blood on her face she makes a run for the door to freedom only to run into one of the other kidnappers. He taunts her like a dumbass and he gets one bullet to the head as well. Two down and it turns out one more to go. Ian, her old celly, is really the ringleader. He has her on what looks like a soundstage, a big building made to look like some Middle Eastern Country. It’s probably down the street from her apartment. She should have kept the gun she killed the kidnapper with, instead of dropping it after shooting him.
Tom wasn’t kidding when he called her the face that would launch a thousand ships.
Scandal airs Thursday 9/8c on ABC