Helix 2.03 – ‘Scion’ Worst Family Reunion EVER.
This episode it became crystal clear that on St. Germaine everyone has their own agenda no matter what that time it is. Future or present. How the Helix Writers are going to bring these two timelines together I’ve not a clue.
Hatake is back and he’s brought his own demons with him in the form of his dearly departed family members! But, I’m getting a head of myself. (Pun inttended) Julia is confronted with an axe wielding Hatake in what I can only guess is the spot indicated on the human hip bone map.
After an all too brief hilarious coffee mug exchange, Hiro drugged his daughter into revealing the truth. She is still working for Ilaria. What the??? That sent Daddy Dearest deeper into his delusion which left Dr. Walker in the worst family reunion ever! Hiro went the full Norman Bates when the bodies of his dead beloved ones were revealed. How the heck did he preserve them all these years?
While Brother Michael and Anne were playing graft-the-Mandrake in the greenhouse, the children were going astray. It seems Amy has Landry well in hand so to speak and she’s got her own schedule going on which clearly deviates from “The Path.”
Landry is so besotted with Amy he’s willing to acquiesce to her every evil scheme. Drugging the kiddos into their own Children of the Corn moment was made all the more eerily successful with the addition of more horrifyingly cheerful music. Thank god they didn’t remember that afterwards.
Fifteen-month pregnancies are a bitch but immortality has its advantages which gives Julia the strength to bicker with Peter like a champ. Alan is at the source of their crossroads, and after the zombie attack in the woods Sarah knows they need all the help they can get. Peter finally agrees, and asks to talk to Alan himself first. Peter proved the Vector King is still in there when his conversation with his brother consisted of a shovel to the head!
It appears we have several distinct agendas going on in two different timelines.
• Brother Michael and Sarah on “The Path.”
• Landry and Amy creating mostly crazy chaos.
• Hitachi in the red zone getting his crazy on.
• Dr. Walker searching for a cure for Illyria.
• Peter and Alan’s own search for the cure sans each other.