Scorpion Recap: Forget Me Nots
First things first – if you didn’t watch the episode that aired on Sunday – for whatever reason my DVR missed it, I seriously suggest you watch it. Go to www.cbs.com/scorpion. The episode was titled “Charades”. It was fun, sexy, sweet. Watch it. Watch it. Watch it.
Now for tonight’s episode…Fast forward past the never ending opening sequence…
Homeland calls in the team to track down the source of a hack that went after a secret nuclear silo in Iceland. It wasn’t successful, but only barely. They do some figuring and come up with a plan, a plan that leads them to an ex Secret Service agent who was shot in the line of duty 15 or so years ago. He has memory issues because of it. The agent, Bruce, is not so helpful so in order to get him on plan they decide to shock his head. Somehow this will jolt his brain into running better. Like faster reflexes, close to genius thought, better. I am not even sure what to say here. Honestly, putting electrodes on your head, electrodes that are connected to a car battery cannot make you smarter.
Bruce has a memory flash and the team heads out to find a man with a blue finger. Yeah – blue finger. It’s some medical condition I don’t want to get into. He was the guy who took the briefcase with the nuclear silo information 15 + years ago. The man was a Secret Service agent; he took the briefcase to free family who were locked up in a hostile country.
The team reconvenes at their headquarters with only 30 minutes left before the hackers have control of a missile. Thanks to their super brains they find out where the bad guy is and head that way. At the port they are met with gunfire. Lots of running and shooting ensues. With 45 seconds to go Happy uses a giant magnet to disrupt an oncoming train and save the day.
Team Scorpion returns Bruce to his assisted living facility and surprise him by having the woman he remembered loving while his memory was juiced greet him. He thought she was gone for good.
Drew also makes an appearance in this episode. He wants Paige to consider moving to Portland Maine with him if he gets this pitching gig. He has a brochure for a fancy elite school for her to look at as well. Walter sees the brochure and asks Paige about it. He doesn’t take the idea of her even thinking of moving away with Ralph well. It isn’t until the end of the episode that he puts logic to the side and tells her, “These last few months have made me a better person….I don’t want you to leave.”
Scorpion airs Monday 9/8c on CBS