Helix 2.01 – ‘San Jose’ Welcome to Mysterious Island!
Our favorite CDC Team is all suited up with a new place to go! Cue the creepy music! “Do you know the way to San Jose?” Oh Helix! How I have missed you!
We have two timelines here folks. Present and Future. Dr. Walker is in the Future while the doctors investigate a new outbreak on a ship which leads to the island of St. Germanine. I think Peter called it correctly when he said: “This is just the beginning.” And here we were thinking Narvik was bad. This…this yellow funky mess seems far worse! Thank you Helix for a delightfully disgusting new disease!
We have one survivor, Layla, who identifies the source of the outbreak as an nearby uncharted island. The Captain agrees to take the team to said island, St. Germaine, after our former Vector King successfully bullies her into it. Welcome to Mystery Island folks!
Upon arrival, our doctors quickly discover something is amiss. Kyle fins an decaying eyeless rabbit which he decides to keep as a new pet. Oh! The Joy of it all!
When Survivor Layla takes off the team is eventually led to a cabin after stopping to aid Julia who is injured in a people trap. Inside the cabin we discover the gruesome, now eyeless body of a very dead Layla hanging in the rafters. All of this is interrupted when the group is invited/ordered to visit “The Compound” by a hooded, torch-bearing hen party.
Do you find it odd that these ladies keep mentioning “lying?” That word seems to have a very ominous meaning with our cult members. Poor Kyle, his Southern Charm falls flat when he tries to flirt with “The Sisters.” Word of advice Dr. Sommers. Don’t drink the Kool-aid!
After a fruitless conversation, the sisters identify their leader, Brother Michael and announce: “You don’t speak to Michael. Michael speaks to you.” Enter Mr. Creepy. Brother Michael presents himself with an air of gentle, helpful father. This “Brother” has mastered the art of passive aggressive which was highlighted by the act of hugging it out with Peter.
Everyone is shown to their beds and unbeknownst to Julia, dinner is served, by “Brother Alan?” We don’t have time to ponder this question, because someone is screaming in the basement. Our unknown victim has her teeth pulled out and is then force fed yellow-green goo! That’s it! No more smoothies for me. Ever.
Meanwhile in the future, Dr. Walker comes ashore on the island as well. Our Immortal is immediately confronted with a freaky retro nuclear dude who has only one question. “Do you know the way to San Jose?” Sadly, Julia didn’t know the secret password and was kidnapped as a reward. Julia keeps being peppered with her San Jose question. This isn’t helpful because she didn’t know the first twenty times he asked.
We are given a masterfully crafted creepy time jump with the appearance of our decaying Bugs Bunny in a jar. It’s 10951, thirty years later. Turns out Retro guy is actually Caleb. Now that the pleasantries are dismissed Dr. Walker gets on with business. She is looking for the source of a virus called TXM7, and then proceeds to drop a huge bomb-shell. She is dying! Wow! If it can kill an Immortal, who is safe?
Over a can of beans Julia spills her own. She too is looking for Alan. Caleb agrees to take her to him, and he was right. We didn’t like what we found. Alan is dead!
What The??? Moments and Questions:
• Creepy floating eyeball on day one.
• Rabbit with no eyes, Layla with no eyes. I’m sensing a theme here.
• Smiling Skull Jungle Moment. Note the missing teeth.
• What the heck is going on with Alan and why does everyone want to find him?
• “Hot Zone” Sarah. Great biker name.
• Did you catch the hand brush by Brother Michael when he walked by Julia?
• Why is Kyle constantly asking about Alan? This Southern Gentleman has his own agenda and he’s got a gun! It makes me think he injected the survivor on the boat on purpose to mask a disease he already identified.
• Where is Hatake?