12 Monkeys Premiere. The Future Just called…you’re all dead.
We begin in the year 2043 with the classic song ‘These arms of mine‘ and a window on the future which is beyond bleak. Cole narrates his own story…..
“ Where are you right now. somewhere warm? Safe? Next to someone you love. Now what if all that was gone? And, the only thing you could do is survive. You would. Right? You’d try. You’d do things. Horrible things. Until you loose that last thing you have left. Yourself. But what if you could take it back? All of it. A reset switch. You’d hit it right? You’d have to.”
Flash back to the year 2012: “We’re not God. We can’t predict the future, but we can plan for it.” Dr. Railley, my dear, you are in for quite a shock. Fresh out of a lecture on infections diseases, Cassandra’s hopes for a romantic evening with her boyfriend are dashed to pieces with the appearance of Cole. Her attacker seems to know everything about her. And he is very thorough. He even shares what she WILL DO. This Cole seems delusional at best and has a request. “Where is Leland Frost?
Our crazy man proceeds to explain the fact he is from the future and needs her help to save mankind. The good doctor is prepared to talk him into the nearest psych ward up until the trick with the watch paired with his nifty disappearing act. Well, that’s got to get a girls attention!
Just before he “poofs,” Cole extends an invitation: “If you believe me. Two years from today. Philadelphia. John Adams Hotel. Come find me.”
Fast forward two years and after a week in the lobby, Cassandra is about to give up when in staggers our mysterious man complete with the bullet would he received two years prior. Upon recovering at an astonishingly rapid pace, Cassie wants answers. Fast. And, after two years, who wouldn’t?
Our Splintering guy explains how in 2017, a plague killed 7 billion people. Mankind was reduced to a fraction of their size with a very few being immune to the disease. Cole found Cassandra because years earlier, she chose him. Well, isn’t that both confusing and not helpful! How do you know what you don’t know, but you will? I’ve a feeling we have just stumbled upon a theme.
The two traverse to Cassandra’s friend Robert who conveniently just discovers Leland Frost is actually Leland Goins. Coles plan is a simple one. Find Goins and kill him. The two crash a party Frost is said to be attending and our heroine gets the added bonus of an unexpected and uncomfortable reunion with her former lover, now a Senator. Can you say awkward?
When Cole’s attempt to assassinate the mad scientist Frost fails, the two are quickly taken into custody and carted off by Frost and his buddies to be examined. And after a few tests, the doctors quickly become enamored with Cole, so much so, they decide to dissect him on the spot.
Goins was destined to be disappointed. We know this by the simple fact it’s the first episode! Ever clever, Cole, uses Cassandra’s watch once again to great effect by bringing it in contact with it’s future self. This gives them the an opportunity to escape which and leads to Lelands death.
Killing Frost didn’t produce the desired miracle, which was quickly evidenced by our Time Traveler’s continued existence. Now Cole must find the true culprits which thankfully Leeland himself led him to discover. The Army of the 12 Monkeys. And now, the real story begins.
• This episode was full of lovely little one liners giving us a clue of what is to come.
“You break the past. the future falls.”
“Spirituality is just science we don’t understand. Yet.”
“Remember Mr. Cole. Remember your mission. Everything else is secondary. Everyone you see
is already dead.”
• Splintering looks awful. I’ll wait for the 2.0 version thank you very much.
• I loved the interaction between Cole and Cassies ex.
Ex: “How did you two meet? ”
Cole: “She bought me a cheeseburger.”
So, what did you think? Is 12 Monkeys a keeper? What did you like? What bugged you?
Post a comment below, We’d like to hear from you.
• Creator of Digital Euphoria! • Extreme southern speaker, big hair believer & professional geek • Follow @PxlWvr or contact at Mynda@nicegirlstv.com