DOWNTON ABBEY: Jealousy Everywhere! {Recap}
Let’s start below stairs and move up again like last week.
Below stairs:
Carson and Mrs Hughes are not in agreement about where the War Memorial should be, with Carson making a big show of wanting them to be on the same side. While they’re off trying to discuss it in the village, a local woman helps to settle the debate: her grief and her son’s grief near the cemetery making it clear that the center of the village is better than the far off cricket pitch on the Grantham’s property.
Jimmy is sent off after his tryst with his old mistress and now Thomas has no one around to scheme with. Should anyone feel bad for Thomas here?
Daisy’s own work at school work is not going well. Mrs. Patmore asks Rose to have Miss Bunting come to help. Dangerous moves by both Mrs. Patmore and Rose, but Daisy’s interest should be encouraged as much as possible given that so many homes are doing without staffs now.
Molesley is still defending Baxter against Thomas, believing in the best of her. Too bad Thomas tells Molesley the whole story of what happened. Molesley is upset that Baxter doesn’t have a reason for her crime, even if she’s no longer that lady. The relationship that seems to be developing between Baxter and Molesley makes everything downstairs a little brighter. Someone there should be happy with each other.
Turns out that Mr Green’s death is not as final as we thought. An officer from the local police comes to tell Mr Carson that there’s now a witness and they might need to investigate more.
While downstairs is filled with the day to day, upstairs there are bigger changes coming that will influence everyone in the house, regardless of status.
Mr Blake has suggested an art historian come look at a piece of art from the Grantham collection. Mr Bricker, the art historian, and Mr. Blake arrive and that gives Mary the chance to finally tell Mr Blake that he hasn’t won her affections. However once Mr. Bricker can see the painting he also hears all of the stories about how it came to be in the Grantham family.
Rose is asking about a wireless radio when she talks about the work she’s about to do with the Russian refugees in York. She is persistent and only when she mentions that the King will be speaking via it does Robert even give the idea credence. The whole house listens to the King’s speech and then the wireless can stay in the home. Technology and change aren’t impossible to find at Downton.
Edith’s plan to stay closer to Marigold shift so that she’ll act as a godmother and patron at the same time to help with some of the finances. With her family’s approval she goes about giving more time with the girl. The Drewes and Edith agree on a plan and she’ll be around. Too bad Mrs. Drewe thinks that Edith will lose interest later and has a look on her face always that says she doesn’t like what’s going on.
Lord Merton asks Isobel and Violet to tea. It’s as awkward as you can imagine. He’s still interested in Isobel, but she’s hesitant.
For Mary’s trip with Lord Gillingham, she wants to have some protection and asks Anna to go and buy a prophylactic. One very awkward trip later, Anna purchased one for Mary’s trip so that Mary’s propriety can be maintained. The trip starts off well enough with Mary and Tony having rooms that connect to each other and it goes well the rest of the time.