SCORPION Recap: Dominoes
Honestly Scorpion when we get back from our mid-winter break I had better not have to hear your opening sequence again. I get it, Walter is smart. We all get it. Also, I do not need to see that poor forlorn kid version of Walter being walked out of his house in handcuffs. Come on!
It may be Christmas but Team Scorpion isn’t in the spirit. They are listening to Black Sabbath when Paige arrives with Christmas cheer. Paige is determined to give Ralph a great Christmas, especially since Drew had to go to Portland to try out of a minor league team. We are all shocked by this. Shocked I tell you. Unfortunately for Paige the Team doesn’t have any desire to celebrate. They all have terrible stories about Christmas’s past.
Meanwhile Walter is at the beach with his sister. He is unsurprisingly going on about how he doesn’t care for Christmas either. He’s a ton of fun. Before he can rain on her Christmas parade a rock slide happens a little ways down the beach. A kid Ralph’s age, Owen, is trapped. Walter rushes over with a cop that showed up out of nowhere. Walter starts spouting some things which boils down to the kid is probably in an open area under the rock/sink hole, for now. He calls Scorpion and they rush to help.
At the beach the Army Corp of Engineers fill them in. They can’t get into the hole but water can, the tide is too strong, the hole will fill up soon. Per Sylvester’s calculations the hole will be filled with water in just under an hour and a half. The Army Corp is going to drill in – hopefully.
Using a pipe Walter sends a phone down to Owen and starts a Skype call with him. They can’t let him go into shock so Paige talks to Owen to calm him down. To make matters worse Toby notices something wrong with Owen’s breathing. Owen confirms he hit his chest pretty hard when the rocks collapsed. Toby diagnoses a collapsed long.
To make matters worse Sylvester had the calculations wrong, they really have less than an hour now to save Owen. Oh I was wrong, it gets even worse, Owen’s leg is trapped under a rock.
Walter has an idea; he sends Happy and Toby back to the office to build a jack to precisely move the rock trapping Owen’s leg. Sylvester makes another imprecise calculation and Walter tells him to get it together. Poor Sylvester was in the hospital barely alive last time we saw him. Walter needs to back off of him a little.
While Walter is at the hospital getting a machine he needs, the Army Corp keeps drilling and breaks through to Owen. With Sylvester nowhere to be found to do some calculations Walter has had enough. He is going into the cave with Owen. He needs to hook up the machine from the hospital. It will bypass Owen’s respiratory system and keep him breathing while he is under water, giving them a little more time to get him out.
With water up to his chin Walter makes it to Owen. He has Gallo send the machine down where Walter hooks it into Owen. I’ve had more than my fair share of qualified professionals try to find my veins over the years and none of them have done it under water without looking on the first try. They should maybe add that to the opening montage. It’s more impressive than anything else Walter’s done so far.
Now comes the crazy part, the only way this will work is if Owen doesn’t breathe when he is under water. The oxygen he needs is being pumped in through the tubes in his veins. I’m not sure at 10 I would have been able to not breathe in. Walter stays with him as long as he can hold his breath and then goes back up to the beach to wait for Happy and Toby.
Walter’s sister finds Sylvester waiting at the bus stop up from the beach. He says he is leaving, he can’t concentrate. All of the things Owen is going through are his worst fears. Sylvester says he is useless. Walter’s sister tells him to shut up and get it together. Scorpion needs him, Own needs him.
In the opening of the cave more rocks start to fall, Sylvester makes it there just in time to hold up the main rock while Paige, Walter and Gallo move the machine keeping Owen alive. Sylvester can’t hold it forever though and when it falls it pinches the tubes going from the machine to Owen. He’s not getting oxygen anymore. Walter looks defeated.
Gallo has to stop Walter from going back into the hole. Good thing Happy and Toby are almost there. Bad news they are out of gas. Toby grabs the jack they made and runs for the beach. Walter jumps into action. He is going back into the hole, no matter what the team says about the odds of Owen being able to survive five minutes under water.
Paige tells Walter she doesn’t want him to go back into the hole. He says he knows and crawls in anyway. He gets back to Owen, inserts the gadget Happy made, freeing Owen. Walter pulls him out of the water towards the surface. With the help of the team Owen is laid on a stretcher where EMT’s start to work on him. As everyone watches Owen starts to breathe again. They all cheer and the news reports it as a Christmas miracle.
At the hospital Walter and the team meet Owen’s parents. They are beyond grateful and tell Walter they spent the whole ride to the beaching praying. God sent Walter and his team to help save Owen. Basically they are the miracle.
Happy makes an exit from the hospital to go visit her Dad, her birth Dad, whom she has been helping out at his shop. She hasn’t told him who she is yet and with it being Christmas Eve she thinks maybe she should, except she gets cold feet and turns to leave. Only he knows who she is, she looks just like her Mom. He figured it out the day she first showed up. Happy does something uncharacteristic and sweet. She hugs him.
At the office Paige has decorated and has dinner ready. How she found time to cook I have no idea. Happy shows up with her Dad, introducing him to everyone. They exchange presents. A new hat for Toby, a wrench set for Happy, new sunglasses for Gallo, etc…It’s all very appropriate and perfect.
We are left with the music playing, “All I want is you for Christmas.” while Walter stares at Paige.
Scorpion airs Monday 9/8c on CBS