NEW GIRL Recap: LAXmas
Its Christmas time on New Girl and the gang all has plans to get home for the holidays.
Jess is making out with her hot British secret boyfriend when he suggests she come home with him to London for Christmas. She thinks it might be too soon to meet the parents but he goes on about the fun they will have in his pretty accent so naturally she says yes. Jess is going to London. This totally reminds me of this pretty boy I work with named Preston (yep just named him) who I could see charming just about anyone to spend time with him.
Anyway – back to the point – the recap:
At the loft the gang is getting ready to go to the airport. Schmidt is going home to Long Island, Cece is going with her Mom to New York, Nick and Winston are going home to Chicago and Coach is going on vacation – somewhere tropical – instead of going home to Detroit to visit his family.
They get to the airport to find people yelling, running and acting completely crazy. A freak storm is causing all kinds of delays and if you have ever flown you know how pissy people get in airports.
Jess gets Coach on his flight, Cece and Schmidt on a red eye flight to NY but she has some trouble with an airline employee and Nick and Winston are on standby for their flight to Chicago.
While waiting for their flights Jess gets a text from Ryan, he sends her a picture of his house. House isn’t the right word for the mansion in the picture. She is starting to stress so she sends Nick and Winston to their gate and heads to the nearest airport bar.
Sitting down the bar is a man who could be Santa Claus. Beard, homemade knit sweater and all. She opens up about her rich boyfriend problems. You know because having a rich boyfriend is so terrible. Turns out Santa Claus is a dirty old man. Thankfully the angry airline employee from earlier is at the bar and sends Dirty Santa on his way.
Schmidt and Cece spend their time waiting in the First Class Lounge. They meet a man named Robert who appears to have the kind of money Schmidt hopes to have someday.
Over at their gate Nick and Winston attempt to convince a bunch of people not to fly so that they can jump to the top of the wait list. It might be working as Winston pretends he has a baby. A baby he is breastfeeding. Yeah, you read that correctly.
Back at the bar Jess is opening up to angry airline employee about her fears regarding Ryan. He suggests hiding out with a pizza and facing her issues in the New Year. She agrees says she can’t go to London.
Coach is feeling bad about not seeing his family for Christmas so he calls to talk to his niece. His sister won’t let him speak to his niece though; if he wants to talk to her he can come to Detroit. Something he is seriously considering.
The First Class Lounge is getting interesting – Robert tells Schmidt he “Wants to take a run at his girl.” He offers Schmidt his Gold Select card; it will get Schmidt into any airport lounge in the world. All Schmidt has to do is let Robert have Cece for a bit. Schmidt is not amused. He gets loud and calls Robert a, “Dirty old Bitch” before taking Cece out of the lounge.
Jess has of course made friends with angry airline employee so now he wants to help her. She decides to use her “miracle” to let Nick and Winston fly first class on their flight.
Cece and Schmidt are waiting for their flight while eating some dinner. Schmidt won’t tell her what Robert said except that he “disrespected something priceless.” She is touched and pulls out a pillow from the First Class Lounge. She stole it for him. He is so excited you would think she had handed him rolls of cash.
Nick calls Jess to thank her for First Class seats and he realizes she hasn’t boarded her flight. She tells him it’s too much pressure, she isn’t going. Nick thinks that is crazy, she can’t spend Christmas alone in California. Without another thought he calls the rest of the gang and they catch Jess at the taxi line. They aren’t getting on their flights unless she gets on hers. She needs to go to London.
The gang runs through the airport and get Jess to her gate while, “God Only Knows” plays. Just like Love Actually.
At the end Jess gets to London and calls Ryan. He however is in California, outside the loft. He got her message that she wasn’t coming so he flew back to spend Christmas with her. He tells her to sit tight; he’ll be there in…17 hours.
New Girl airs Tuesday 9/8c on Fox