SCORPION Recap: Revenge
Criminals in bird masks – so basically my worst fear – break into a safe manufacturer, shoot a few people and set off a few bombs before taking off.
At the crime scene Team Scorpion meet up with an Interpol Agent who explains that this was the work of “The Ghosts”. Super criminals. Scorpion is on the case. Not without Sylvester’s objections that maybe this isn’t the type of case best suited to their skill set. His objection barely leaves his lips when he accidentally sets off a small bomb left behind by the criminals. It blows up, throwing him across the room. The explosion causes major damage to Sylvester. A doctor won’t even speculate on if, not when but if, Sylvester will recover.
Walter calls his sister Megan to come to the hospital, she is going to stay there and keep the team informed of Sylvester’s condition while they get to work. They are now very invested in solving this crime.
Back at the office they put together a list of banks that use the safe and then Megan calls. They head over to the hospital where a piece of shrapnel has been removed from a now recovering, but still unconscious, Sylvester. Happy examines the piece of metal and narrows down who could have built the device to one person, Dirty John Tucker. They haul him in for questioning and use Toby as a decoy. Gallo “stabs” Toby in the leg and the real criminal is so freaked out he talks. He identifies the leader of The Ghosts as the person who ordered the devices.
Unfortunately Sylvester isn’t doing any better. He has a seizure due to swelling around his brain. Paige thinks they need to take a moment after this update but the Interpol Agent doesn’t agree and tells Walter catching these criminals will give him closure or some such nonsense. Paige doesn’t look pleased.
The team gets a new idea; The Ghosts are planning on taking out an armored car. They do their thing and narrow it down to one company. Wouldn’t you know that company has a booking for transportation of a bank safety deposit box. It is being moved by some Venezuelan crime lord who double crossed The Ghosts a few years back. The name of the episode is Revenge so that makes sense.
Across town the armored car is under attack and The Ghosts get the diamonds from the back before blowing the car and the guards up and riding away. The team gives chase and catches up with one of them long enough to plant a cell phone in his backpack. They follow the signal from the phone, tracking the signal through the sewers. Happy jumps out of the car and instructs Gallo to see if they can’t flush the criminals back towards her. With a huge wrench in her hand she busts open a water main causing the bikes to slide out from under the riders. Gallo holds them at gunpoint. This only leaves one rider left. Walter gives chase on foot while the Interpol Agent tries to cut the rider off.
Walter gets the guy cornered on the roof and while the rider is trying to get off the roof the ladder he is on gives way. Walter has a chance to grab his hand and save him but he doesn’t, he waits too long and the man drops to the ground with a deathly thud.
Gallo asks Walter what happened on the roof, Walter’s response is he doesn’t feel bad and he has to check on Sylvester. Paige doesn’t look convinced.
The team goes to visit Sylvester who has woken up. After they leave Sylvester freaks out, he can’t go back to work, he no longer feels safe at Scorpion. Megan says she will help him through it.
As Walter is leaving the hospital he runs into the Interpol Agent who asks Walter to have a drink with her. This is convenient because Drew and Paige are out to dinner, although Paige is too busy thinking about Walter and the team to focus on the date.
Paige leaves the date to visit Sylvester only to find Gallo and the whole team (including Walter) sitting by Sylvester’s bed, watching Sylvester sleep while reading his favorite comics.
Scorpion airs Monday 9/8c on CBS