NEW GIRL Recap: Girl Fight
Let’s take it story by story shall we?
The girls get into a fight over a purse. It’s a fight like Schmidt has never seen. When the guys fight they argue until someone punches someone else in the stomach and then it’s done. When the girls fight it is all passive aggressive, lasts three days and then in Jess brings Cece a latte and they never speak of it again. Schmidt feels he must interfere and it doesn’t go well.
Jess goes to bring Cece a latte three days later but Cece doesn’t want it. Jess knows Schmidt interfered despite being told to stay out of it. Thanks to Schmidt’s meddling the girls are now in uncharted territory. They resort to texting each other nonsensical emojis, ending in double syringe. Double Syringe. Oh My!
Schmidt follows Jess over to Cece’s where Nadia is having her baby shower. Yep, Nadia got pregnant. At a sex party. Good times. Schmidt is very concerned and calls Coach for help. Coach is pretty sure Schmidt is an idiot. We can’t argue with him…
The girls are airing 20 years of issues now that the damn has broken. Coach gets there and tells them what is up. He wants them to man up, punch each other and get over it. Cece rushes Jess and runs into another woman, the fight spreads throughout the apartment with all girls involved. It ends with the girls in the hospital, bruised, battered and hooked up to IV’s. It worked though because they are better now. Back to being friends.
Nick has his first date with Tran’s Granddaughter and it starts out very quiet and super awkward but gets slightly better. They decide doing nothing in sweat pants would be more fun. So that’s what they do…for THREE DAYS. Coach and Winston are alarmed by this turn of events. Nick however is very happy though because she seems perfect. She is the female version of him.
Tran’s Granddaughter is still at the loft. Nick is starting to think what Winston said was true, he tells her he wants to see her place, where ever that may be. Turns out that Tran’s Granddaughter is rich, she sold her start up company and now she works part time as a consultant. Her house is bad ass. Poor Nick went on and on about how lavish the loft was. Comparatively it is a dump.
Winston uses his investigative skills to figure out why Tran’s Granddaughter could stay at their house for three days without working, or having to check in with a loved one. He is really just avoiding studying for his Police Exam. After some shoddy police work Winston surmises that Tran’s Granddaughter wants Nick for a sugar daddy. Something Nick laughs off. Winston is pretty sure she is homeless, that’s why she is still there.
After hearing how he was wrong about everything with Tran’s Granddaughter was wrong Winston realizes he should probably start to seriously study. It is not a plan that goes well. He better hope he has gained this knowledge through osmosis.
New Girl airs Tuesday 9/8c on Fox