Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Roundtable: “Ye Who Enter Here”
At long last the agents have located the city depicted in the map, but it doesn’t go exactly as planned. While Coulson is on the ground exploring with the team, Ward and Raina take turns betraying the team back on the plane.
1. Skye went hand to hand with Agent 33, just as Agent May did in a recent episode. Which agent battle was best? Do you buy that Skye has progressed so quickly in her training that she can handle a foe that May barely bested?
Liz: Oh the May vs. May fight was definitely better, but it was fun watching Skye working some May moves in her fight. I believe that Skye still has a way to go under May’s training before she can handle a foe as formidable as Agent 33. May went through years of training and she’s got experience behind her. Skye is still a newbie.
Louise: I give it to May because there was more finesse in that fight than what Skye and Agent 33 were doing. Not that Skye can’t handle a fight (which it’s clear she’s learning to do in the downtime), but May vs Agent 33 was about who would win rather than what that new situation provided.
Jan: I’m amazed at Skye’s transformation this season, but I suppose after the close call she had last season they knew she needed to be more prepared to defend herself. She did a decent job against Agent 33, but May slamming Agent 33’s head on the table still takes the prize as far as I’m concerned.
2. During a private conversation between Mac and Bobbi, they eluded to a secret Bobbi was keeping from Hunter that she doesn’t want him to learn about. Another operation? Any ideas what it might be?
Liz: I was wondering that as well. It has something to do with whatever Hartley and her crew were involved with though. I think. No idea.
Louise: It made me go “what’s going on?” as soon as Mac said it, but as to what it is, I’ve no idea. I’m speculating in my head, sure, but nothing that I want to admit might be going on.
Jan: I loved the intrigue of this scene. I have no idea really what it’s about, but seems to be related to Hartley and the mission Hunter was originally on. There is definitely more going on with Bobbi than we knew, and I can’t wait to find out what else she’s up to. Also can’t wait to see the repercussions in her tenuous relationship with Hunter, as there will certainly be some.
3. What were your thoughts on the happenings in the search for the temple? Mac’s transformation and strength? Do you think he’s really lost for good?
Liz: Well, we now know for certain that the city was built by the Kree and they are a violent race, so I wasn’t surprised at anything that happened. I don’t think either SHIELD or Hydra know exactly what they are dealing with or what they might awaken.
Regarding Mac, once Fitz and Simmons began working together again, almost like they were pre-Ward, I wondered what they’d do with Mac and I actually thought that he was going to die in that pit. Now I think that he may be something more and it’s all connected with The Inhumans’ storyline that we’ll see more of in upcoming Marvel movies. I think that Mac and Raina and even Skye are part of that story, but I”m not sure. We’ll have to wait and see, and I’m not sure if Mac is lost for good or not. I hope not.
Louise: Going into the temple without knowing all the facts is never a good idea, and I found it easy to believe that Raina would talk about the Kree and what they are while no one in the temple knew. Mac’s transformation doesn’t shock me – given that we’re dealing with aliens – but I hope he’s not gone. Even if the Kree are a very scary race, I want him to make it through.
Jan: It was pretty amazing, watching what happened to Mac down in that tunnel. As Coulson said, “he’s not Mac.” I fear that Mac as we knew him is gone for good, but this superhuman version of him could well be back.
4. Who was the MVP of “Ye Who Enter Here”?
Liz: I think this one belongs to Mac. He’s been the voice of reason and Fitz’s other half so far but his transformation, while hard to watch, was really well done. And all those muscles were put to expert use.
Louise: For a strange reason, Bobbi for me. Even if I don’t like what happened when they got into the temple, her connections got them in. Plus she was able to finally get Mac down at the end.
Jan: I’ll go with Mac. He made the ultimate sacrifice in the episode, going down in that tunnel not knowing what fate awaited him. He may be lost for good because of it.
5. What was your favorite scene of the episode?
Liz: My favorite scene was the one in which Raina was telling Skye the story of the Kree. She kept mentioning how she and Skye were ‘special’ and when she explained what she meant by that, you get a bit of the history of The Inhumans. They weren’t exactly alien in the sense that we think of aliens, but they are ‘more’. Just like Raina said.
Louise: Raina telling Skye about what they both are and what it means. Finally there’s an answer to the question we’ve been wondering about for nearly a season and a half.
Jan: I loved Sam (or was it Billy) beckoning Raina to hug him when she was trying to escape Hydra, then telling her he wasn’t hitting on her, he’s SHIELD. As much as I love the action on this show, I love how much humor they manage to inject.
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. airs Tuesdays at 9/8c on ABC.