No one does Thanksgiving better than Modern Family and this episode was as kooky as they come. Grab some Turkey and dressing and let’s get down to it!
Phil took over the cooking duties this year so Claire could be more relaxed (and less grumpy) for Thanksgiving and Luke was his sidekick in the kitchen (along with a very sexual sounding audio cookbook). Claire couldn’t completely give up control so she had a backup turkey prepared in the garage just in case Phil’s turkey didn’t turn out well. Alex caught her in the garage and they decided that they were going to try and relax and have fun like Phil and Luke do. Alex told her mom that she was a little jealous of the fun they had together, and Claire agreed.
Gloria and Jay were supposed to go to Mexico for Thanksgiving, but due to a mudslide their trip was canceled. They decided not to tell the family they were still in town, so they could have a break from the crazy family Thanksgiving. Well that didn’t last long because the power went out at the Dunphy’s (because of Alex and Claire having fun in the garage with one of Phil’s gadgets) so they moved the dinner over to Jay and Gloria’s.
Once they got there, Jay and Gloria hid upstairs. They got tired of hiding pretty quickly, so they came up with a plan to sneak down the back stairs and act like they cut their trip early to be home with everyone. It sounded good at the time, but it didn’t go as smoothly as they hoped.
Cam and Mitch were having a tough time disciplining Lily. Cam had a hard time telling her no, and Mitch was tired of being the “mean daddy.” It was obvious Lily felt that way, because she drew a picture of them and put horns on Mitch’s head (and Cam put it on the fridge). Hilarious! Mitch told Cam that he couldn’t always give her everything she wanted and he needed to put his foot down sometimes. Lily didn’t want to wear her Thanksgiving dress and made a fuss about being able to wear whatever she wanted. Instead of disciplining her like Mitch suggested, once they got to Jay and Gloria’s house Cam came up with the idea to wear Gloria’s dresses because Lily didn’t like them to wear dresses. Cam’s plan didn’t work too well, but they had fun wearing Gloria’s clothes (and looked pretty funny wearing them).
Jay and Gloria made it down the stairs without being seen, but they forgot two things; they left Joe upstairs and they forgot Jay was cooking a small Turkey in the oven. Jay grabbed a pumpkin and wrapped it in a blanket to pretend he was holding Joe. He was to head straight upstairs to get Joe and Gloria was going for the turkey. The family was happy to see them and surprised they were home early but noticed they were acting strange.
Gloria went in the kitchen and grabbed Phil’s big turkey by mistake and put it in her suitcase to hide it. When Phil went to check on his turkey and saw how small it was, he thought it shrunk! It was so funny! He cut it up and it barely filled up one plate. Haley looked at the little plate and said, “Does everyone get one?”
The truth came out that Gloria and Jay never left town, and Phil’s Turkey was in her suitcase. Phil was proud of his turkey when he saw it and told Claire he did a really good job. Phil found out that Claire didn’t trust him to take care of the meal when Cam discovered a fully cooked turkey in Lily’s backpack. With all of the craziness, Jay was ready to call it quits but Haley stopped him. She said that she wanted to spend the day with family before everyone had separate plans and couldn’t spend holidays together anymore. She wanted to be with them. They were all moved by her speech and decided to stay.
Then she said if they wanted to skip a holiday, they could skip Christmas and everyone agreed. Haley then admitted that she had to get away from the family and she already had plans with her friends over the Christmas holiday. Say what you want about Haley, but the girl knows how to get what she wants.
They ended up eating all three turkeys! After they ate, they were hanging out together on the couch as a family should. Being together is what it is all about! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Modern Family airs Wednesday nights at 9/8c on ABC.