ARROW: “Draw Back Your Bow” or The One with the Stalkers {Recap}
There’s a theme in tonight’s episode of Arrow: how to be creepy, a tale of certain people in Starling City.
Three people take the cake for being super creepy in very different ways.
One: meet Cupid, aka Carrie Cutter. She’s obsessed with Oliver after he saved her years ago (though we don’t find that out until nearly the end of the episode) and to that end, she goes out of her way to kill people around town that were hurting the city to grab Oliver’s attention.
I think it’s easy to say that turning into a murderer for the sake of trying to land a date is not smart or wise. But Carrie did it anyway. For her hard work (and near death), Oliver doesn’t kill her and allows her to enter the Suicide Squad. Because we need to reward the mentally unstable with jobs hurting more people. Obviously!
Two: meet Ray Palmer in his job as the CEO of Queen Consolidated (before he changes the name), who buys Felicity a really expensive dress for a work dinner before allowed her to wear $10 million in diamonds. After doing such a good job of trying to keep things platonic, he ends the night with a kiss – one that Oliver happens to see, too. Isn’t that sexual harrassment as a boss to do that to your employee? Shouldn’t he worry about that as he tries to get some mineral from Nevada for the company (or was it for his suit)? Small details, right?
Three: Chase, Thea’s new DJ at Verdant. One, he’s only a bit rude as the auditions take place. Two, he’s miraculously at the club when the DJ she hired failed and then makes some demands for half the take from the night and more jobs. Only later he doesn’t take the money and gives Thea a kiss.
Here we are, three rather creepy attempts at wooing people in the Arrow universe. When murder and danger aren’t enough, let’s throw in some moderate stalkers!
Arrow airs Wednesdays at 8PM Eastern/7PM Central on The CW.