Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D: “A Fractured House” Roundtable
There is a new Ward in town, and he looks to be just as much trouble as his brother. It was revealed that Christian Ward is the senator that has been angling to get SHIELD shut down. Meanwhile Simmons realizes her presence isn’t helping Fitz, and May endures an important mission alongside the Bickerson’s (aka Hunter and Morse).
1. We met Ward’s infamous brother, Christian, and learned he’s a very powerful man. Both brothers claim the other is lying. Which brother’s story do you believe, and who poses the bigger threat?
Leah: I’m not at all sure which brother to believe. They are both very convincing. As for who poses the biggest threat I’m going with Ward. Partly because we know what he is capable of and it is scary. However I noticed that Skye didn’t ask specifically if what he said about his brother was true or not. That got Ward around having to lie to her if it comes up later.
Liz: That whole Christian/Coulson, Ward/Skye scene had my head spinning. I have no idea who is telling the truth. I don’t know what Christian’s agenda is, and I don’t know what Ward plans to do. I can’t even guess. I do know that both are a threat to Coulson and his team. We already know what Ward is capable of, we have yet to see what Christian can do.
Louise: I choose not to believe either of them. If I maybe give Ward some of his story, then there’s plenty of lies in all that he says that come from Christian’s mind. Neither is a reliable person.
Jan: I don’t trust Ward at all, but I’m inclined to trust Christian less. He will do anything to further his own cause. He made a deal with SHIELD, but now that Ward has escaped instead of being delivered to him I have to wonder how he will react.
2. Is Morse and Hunter’s bickering indicative that they still harbor feelings for each other? Also, which one is May likely to kill first if they don’t shut up?
Leah: Oh their bickering was fantastic. You don’t argue with or get upset with someone you are over. How does that saying go about jealousy being a thin line between love and hate? I vote Hunter for who May gets upset with first. Her line, “You know I don’t like you, right?” to Hunter was great.
Liz: Oh yes, I think Morse and Hunter still love each other. They may not be able to live together as a married couple, but they can work together really well. I also think that May will kill Hunter first. He annoys her more.
Louise: I think they probably do still have feelings (or maybe it’s just lust and we’ll see something along the lines of some hateful ex-sex later). Hunter’s going to die first, just because May doesn’t like him more.
Jan: They definitely seem to still have something. Hunter, in particular, I believe still carries a torch. He needs to work on keeping it inside, though, because May already flatly told him she doesn’t like him. I don’t think she will tolerate a lot of couples issues on her missions.
3. Simmons knows her presence makes Fitz worse. Would it be better for him if she hadn’t returned?
Leah: I want the team back together so I’m glad Simmons is back. I also want to start referring to them as Fitz-Simmons like it is one name again so she needs to get in there and have a talk with Fitz so they can mend this mess. The irony of her presence not helping when it is his subconscious version of her that sometimes helps Fitz figure some things out is not lost on me. Poor Fitz.
Liz: No, I think he needed to see her again and say what needed to be said. Now he has some closure, if you will. I don’t think we’ve seen the last from these two either. Simmons still has to explain herself to Fitz. He still thinks she left because he declared himself to her. He still believes that she thinks he’s not good enough for her. That needs to be fixed.
Louise: That’s a tough one for me. Because Fitz needs to know that she’s alive, but at the same time, he’s not the same guy as he was before and Simmons wants that Fitz back. Mack’s point about not knowing the old Fitz but liking this one and asking Simmons why she stayed away were powerful. She needed to be back, but she’s a regression for his progress.
Jan: I can’t decide what I think of Simmons return. I’m glad to have her there because I like the team being together, but there is a rift between she and Fitz that is heartbreaking to watch.
4. Who was the episode’s MVP?
Leah: Coulson. His scenes with the Ward siblings were perfect. Angry but cool and collected.
Liz: I have to go with Coulson. I love seeing Coulson when he’s mad, and when he let Ward have it, That was the best. Also, him being so stern with Skye about staying focused on her interrogation of Ward was excellent. You really don’t want to make Coulson angry.
Louise: Simmons. I love how she figured out the connection to the trip to the safe house and HYDRA. Even if her connection couldn’t save all the agents, she did save enough of our team.
Jan: I’m going to have to give this one to Hunter. He may sulk and be petty, but he managed to save his ex-wife three times in one episode. He is so not over her.
5. Favorite scene from “A Fractured House”?
Leah: Favorite scene for me goes to Bobbi and Hunter when they were fighting off the Hydra agents in the safe house. The way they were working together while separately kicking ass was great to watch.
Liz: I had to think hard about this one. The whole episode was so strong that it’s hard to choose one scene that I loved. But I think I’ll go with when Ward was being escorted out to the transfer truck, and passes Simmons who tells him that she’ll kill him if she ever sees him again. It was chilling coming from Simmons because I believe she’ll do it.
Louise: I’m with Liz here, Simmon’s line about killing Ward was perfect.
Jan: The moment Tim DeKay showed up as Christian! I had forgotten that he was to be a guest this season, and was both surprised and delighted to see him on my screen.
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. airs Tuesdays at 9/8c on ABC.