SELFIE: “Nugget of Wisdom” {Recap}
It seems that this week’s lesson is about how best to utilize one’s weekend: Eliza wants to hit up a bunch of hot spots to try and stay ahead of her friend in follower-whores, whereas Henry wants to do something good for someone else.
Maybe Eliza can actually do what Henry wants her to do, because Charmonique’s twentieth high school reunion is this weekend? Charmonique wants to impress the one who got away, and Eliza might me the perfect person there.
Henry’s idea of the ideal weekend is making a great salad, which is rather sad. Freddy, another employee, tells Henry that the first big product – a chewable mineral – for the company is about to be a lost cause and Henry’s going to work through the weekend to try and save it. Shouldn’t Henry be doing something outrageous for the weekend if Eliza’s going to be helpful? Shouldn’t he?
Eliza offers up the best advise she can, which wig Charmonique should wear. All of that work is about to be ruined when her nanny can’t come to babysit, but Charmonique’s great at a guilt trip – or so I wanted to believe. Eliza does give in and look after Kevin.
While talking to Kevin about what her plans were, Kevin also tells her that in the age of the internet is about perception maybe she can save what her plans are. Kevin turned all of Charmonique’s wigs into a way that makes it look like Eliza was having a great time this weekend.
Poor Charmonique’s plans for her old flame, Mitchell, (played by Isaiah Mustafa – “The Old Spice Guy”) is a priest now and starts to shame Charmonique for her behavior.
Kevin, upon trying to go to bed, has a sob (The Eddie Murphy) without Charmonique there and has Eliza and Henry try to do everything Charmonique does (including singing “Ease on Down the Road” from The Wiz), but nothing works. Until Charmonique calls and reminds Eliza about Kevin’s bedtime nuggets, Eliza might not have had a night out.
Ignoring Mitchell’s attempts to make her feel bad about her choices, Charmonique dances to her song, “Real Love”, and realizes she doesn’t need a man like Mitchell.
A surprising discovery about how much Kevin loves his chicken nuggets brings about a good idea for Henry – Vita-Nuggets – where kids can get what they need in a new way. The marketing pitch is a little counter-intuitive, but the end results are the same.
Just to put the bug in Henry’s ear, the CEO of the company suggests that Eliza and Henry would make a very good couple. Henry deflects with how ugly red-headed Koreans are, but maybe that idea will stick? Wouldn’t we all love to see the two of them making out? Wouldn’t we?
How did all of Charmonique’s wigs get so messed up during that night? Well, it happened and now Eliza owes Charmonique way too much money. Oops?