SELFIE: Un-Tag My Heart {Recap}
Selfie continues to be the show that wants to correct millions of bad habits among social media denizens, but so far I’m not sure I buy this particular lesson: looking at the difference between online haters and real life haters.
Eliza starts out by showing Henry how she goes about telling Twitter haters she’s not affected by their words (favoriting their update), but she can’t do the same for the older women in the office who complain about how she dresses and what she does to some of the male co-workers.
There’s a trend here, I see, where Eliza and Henry are probably going to come to some middle ground on how to handle both sets of nasty comments, but that’s probably getting ahead of the curve. Henry, even as a Gen-X-er doesn’t understand what Eliza does as a modern woman does, calling her a booty call after slut-shaming her choices for what she does with guys.
As Henry continues to work in the office, some of his other colleagues come in to tell him about a party that was only available via a Facebook invite. But he joins in, and goes on a Facebook shame spiral looking at people he knew before.
Right now this dueling attitudes about social media might wear a little thing in a few episodes, so show, please stop being condescending right now to social media.
Next on Henry’s ways to make Eliza a better person: stop getting her to fixate on men and only men. So, she goes to Bryn to join her book club. One call while she’s trying to find an outfit that’s asexual as she calls. Hey Eliza, that word doesn’t mean what you think it does. Sorry to tell you.
Henry also manages to tag himself as an ex-girlfriend’s baby and comes to Eliza for help. I could have gone without that part – no one wants to know about anyone’s kinks in that way – but it does point out how much room for both Eliza and Henry there is in trying to be different people.
Doing what Henry does best, he goes to visit the ex-girlfriend to explain why he tagged himself in that photo. She tells him how obsessed he was with work and that’s why everyone else he knows is married and/or having kids.
Eliza walks into a car and then falls down a manhole after she tries to eat her feelings following Bryn kicking her out of the book club. Henry comes to see her because he’s concerns and finds that the guy who Eliza’s been sleeping with cares about her just enough to take her home and do something with her outside.
Because Henry tagged himself as the bedpan in her hospital photo, he’s deleted Facebook, but will call her to make sure she’s okay every hour.
Selfie airs on ABC Tuesday nights at 8PM Eastern/7PM Central.