Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D: “Making Friends and Influencing People” Roundtable
After teasing us for a couple of weeks, this week we finally learn why Simmons left and what she has been up to while she’s away.
1. HYDRA is brainwashing talent that won’t join them willingly. Does this up the odds that SHIELD may have more sleepers among their ranks?
Leah: I think it definitely ups the odds that there are more sleepers. I just hope it isn’t anyone they are working closely with at the base of operations. I’m not sure I can take that story line.
Roz: I think that HYDRA does anything it can to achieve its ends, so the brainwashing is dangerous, but I think on par with what else HYDRA has done. I mean, they managed to infiltrate SHIELD and stay hidden for over 60 years before they were found out. That’s not to say that I like the brainwashing idea as a viable persuasion technique, but I’m not part of HYDRA.
Jan: I feel sure that there is going to be a sleeper somewhere close that we don’t know about yet. It shows how ruthless HYDRA is, and what a task Coulson and SHIELD have ahead in trying to defeat them.
2. Ward gave Fitz information that proved vital to SHIELD agents safety in the search for Donnie Gill. He swears his allegiance was never to HYDRA, only to Garrett. Is he redeemable?
Leah: I believe he was loyal to Garrett. We saw his back story with Garrett. I also believe he came to care for the SHIELD team so I do think he is redeemable. I like that they haven’t made it an instant thing. The possibly working his way back into the fold is something I like.
Roz: They honestly need to pick a side for Ward and stay there. I’m fine with him being loyal to Garrett, but he knows too much about HYDRA to be truly SHIELD and he’s been captured by SHIELD so he’s compromised as HYDRA too. It’s a nasty catch-22, but one I’d rather not see over and over again. As for being redeemed, I don’t actually care because he’s never been why I watched the show.
Jan: I go back and forth on Ward. At the end of season one, I couldn’t even entertain the possibility of him being redeemed. His actions show that he may not be all bad, but right now I can’t imagine them ever being able to fully trust him again.
3. Were you surprised to learn that Simmons has been in the field, infiltrating HYDRA, all this time? What do think of her as an agent vs lab-rat?
Leah: Roz and I had a little conversation about this after seeing the preview last week. We both were going to be really disappointed if Simmons was actually HYDRA. My relief that she is undercover is vast. I do worry though because she is a lab-rat. So while brilliant I’m not sure she is ready to deal with everything that comes with undercover work.
Roz: I’m far better with Simmons acting as a double agent right now than her being HYDRA for real. I was so nervous that she’d defected after that promo last week. As for her skills in the field, I think she’s getting better, but I do worry about her.
Jan: It was a wonderful surprise to me. It goes so much against her nature as we have come to know it. She is more of a scientist, not so much an agent, but it’s interesting to see what circumstances can push a person to become. What happened to Fitz (and her) was a turning point.
4. Who was the MVP of this episode?
Leah: Fitz. His breakdown with Ward was stellar and his desire to be part of the team was heartbreaking.
Roz: My MVP goes to the broken guy who got Ward to talk: Fitz. I also really applaud him for taking some agency back against what Ward did to him, even it’s maybe not the wisest choice for Fitz’s mental state.
Jan: Simmons. She’s out of her comfort zone, but it isn’t swaying her determination. She’s adapting to who she has to be to help her team.
5. Favorite scene this episode?
Leah: I laughed out loud when Skye was told to watch the door and she replied, “You’re not in charge Trainspotting.” Lance’s indignant, “I’m not Scottish.” was hilarious. So they get scene of the week for me.
Roz: Coulson’s cooking skills when we finally found out that Simmons is just a double agent. Plus, Coulson got’s good taste.
Jan: May making it clear to Hunter she hasn’t forgotten that he shot her. Always love a little Melinda May attitude.
Agents of SHIELD airs Tuesdays at 9/8c on ABC.