SCORPION Recap: A Cyclone
The moral of this episode of Scorpion is fitting in. First up is the team. They are to participate in a training mission with some Marines. It goes how you think it would – miserably. The Director of Homeland Security doesn’t think the team is a good idea. Happy assaulted a Marine for heaven sakes.
So when a bomb goes off in a downtown building, Walter and his team rush to help, even though they have effectively been benched. Among the government agencies there is the FSG. The Federal Surveillance Group. They analyze data and security breaches. Walter surmises the building was hit because it houses the hard lines for the internet. Everything form banking to emergency services to water services is going to be crippled.
Despite being specifically told to sit this one out Walter and his team manage to track down the bomber. They gather outside his house waiting to see if he is home or not before they call Gallo. Paige doesn’t think this is a good idea but no one listens to her. In fact Toby wonders, out loud, what her purpose in the team actually is.
They finally agree that when they can prove the suspect is in the house they will call Gallo. Of course Happy makes a parabolic mic out of an umbrella, duct tape and some other things she gathers. Just like MacGyver. She hears footsteps in the house so they call Gallo but before they can get him on the line the bad guy sees them and takes off. Happy pursues him on foot (she has anger issues) while Walter and Paige pursue in the car and Toby and Sylvester try to corner him. The chase ends with the suspect being hit by a bus.
Guesses on how mad Gallo is that their suspect is in a coma? They should have listened to Paige. Back at headquarters Paige tells Walter they have to start listening to her because sometimes she knows best. They can’t keep boxing her out. Gallo shows up with the laptop from the suspect’s house and some bomb making parts. Happy looks into that and Walter tries to hack the laptop. They are only getting this chance because the FSG couldn’t hack the laptop. Happy makes observations that suggest more bombs are going to go off soon, in fact the one that detonated that morning went off too early. No sooner does she say that then you can hear more bombs go off near them.
The team figures out a building that was taken out by a bomb housed a storage facility for data that is rarely accessed on line. They surmise the bomber had a secret he didn’t want getting out, so much so he was willing to bomb the city to cover it up.
On the bombers laptop, Walter finds a failed attempt to hack a file relating to a man named Turner who died two weeks ago after being hit by a car that then fled. The bomber destroyed the internet when he blew up the first building and then he destroyed the server storage facility and lastly he will have to destroy the router hub which Toby tracks down. Off to Tarzana they go. If they can find that email they will find out who is behind this bombing.
They find the email. Turner was a former agent of FSG. He found out his boss, the grumpy one from this episode, was using his position with the FSG to spy on the White House. Gallo says he will get a warrant issued for the FSG agent but then Happy hears something. She climbs into the air vent and finds a bomb. They have 5 minutes to evacuate the building. Toby and Paige work on that. Happy and Walter attempt to defuse the bomb and Gallo and Sylvester take the email, downloaded to a hard drive to the DOJ to get a warrant for the FSG agent’s arrest.
Gallo’s car is rammed and the FSG agent and Gallo ends up chasing down the FSG agent. They have a hand to hand combat scene and Gallo is about to lose when Sylvester gets there. He grabbed Gallo’s dropped gun and now threatens to shoot the FSG agent. Despite saying he isn’t a good shot the FSG agent surrenders to Gallo.
Back with the bomb Walter and Happy manage to get the bomb into some sort of salt paste mixture that will cause the bomb to only blow up the garage and not the whole building. It works and everyone is safe.
Unfortunately the laptop and the thumb drive are destroyed. Fortunately Sylvester has a great memory. He saw the email as it scrolled across the screen so he has all of the information in his head. Gallo is impressed.
As a more cohesive unit the team picks up Ralph after school where Walter tells him a family of scorpions is called a cyclone. Cyclones are very loyal to each other and that is how it is with them.
Scorpion airs 9/8c on CBS