Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D: “Heavy is the Head” Roundtable
This week on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Coulson and company had a lot on their plates. The obelisk continued to prove problematic, they faced a foe who seemed indestructible, Coulson revealed his life is even more complicated than we knew, and Fitz continued living in a world all his own.
1. What did you think of bad guy Creel? Was handing him over and making a deal with Talbot the right thing to do?
Leah: I think handing over Creel (after you have no more use for him) is okay. It’s that constant trying to prove you are the good guy, doing the right thing, that Coulson is advocating.
Liz: Creel was one hard-ass. LOL! It’s interesting to note that he’s not dead and the indication is that he’ll be back at some point. A very scary thought indeed. I think that Coulson knows what he’s doing where Talbot is concerned. He knows what kind of man he is and what he’s ultimately after – promotion. Plus, Coulson is gaining firepower and rebuilding SHIELD. That’s something that Talbot has to respect.
Roz: I think he’s a threat, and one that might be too dangerous for SHIELD to handle right so I’m good with Talbot and the military having him. Because I know he’ll be back later when hopefully things are more settled for our intrepid team.
Jan: Anything Coulson can do to get Talbot to give him a little breathing room is a plus in my opinion, but my concern is that a guy with Creel’s capabilities is going to find some way to free himself. For the short term it’s a win, but I won’t be surprised if it comes back to bite the team later.
2. Do you think we can trust both new guys, Mack and Hunter? What are your impressions of each so far.
Leah: Hunter – He’ll grow on me if Agent May doesn’t kill him for shooting her. Mack – He’s the one helping Fitz, right? There are so many new people and I’m not always good with the names. If that is the right person I like him. An outside the core team person who takes the time to connect with Fitz is a good thing. Fitz needs someone not in his imagination helping him.
Liz: I don’t trust Hunter at all. I think he’d sell them all out if the price were right. He’s already proven that. However, Coulson knows that about him so it’s not like he hired him on blindly. He’ll keep an eye on him. Mack is awesome! I think he’s what Fitz needs right now in the absence of Simmons. I like him!
Roz: I’m not sure I buy what Hunter’s selling so far – even if he’s playing both sides when he can. Mack’s a better fit for me right now in the absence of Simmons for Fitz. Anyone who can work through FItz’s conversations with the imaginary Simmons and still work out what to do is A-Okay in my book. So long as Mack’s not playing a long game against the team, that is.
Jan: Hunter seems basically a good guy, judging by the lengths he was willing to go to make sure his fallen comrades were honored and their families compensated. It seems to show that if he is on your side there is nothing he won’t do. Problem is, he is a gun for hire, so while I hope he ends up on SHIELD’s side, I’m not ready to conclude it’s true. Mack, on the other hand, really makes me wary. He’s becoming important on the inside, and getting close to Fitz. Maybe he just wants to get Fitz’ head back in the game, or maybe he has other reasons to get close to him. Or maybe it’s possible that after Ward’s betrayal last season, I’m just not ready to take anyone new at face value. I have a nagging feeling that while Hunter appears least trustworthy on the surface, it’s a distraction so that we won’t notice the real threat.
3. What do you think of Coulson’s episodes of alien writing, and the revelation that he is having them regularly?
Leah: When did a whiteboard become obsolete in writing out alien messages? Does giving Coulson a knife in that state to carve in the wall really sound like a good plan? That aside I’m upset that he is keeping the fact that this is happening from Skye but since he seems to still be Coulson at his core I’m indifferent to the message having episodes.
Liz: I don’t know! It’s driving me crazy! And the fact that May knows all about it too! She’s filming his ‘episodes’, why? And it was interesting that what Coulson is drawing are the same markings on the artifact that lit up when Raina picked it up. WHAT?!
Roz: Isn’t it more code for a computer? I thought that’s what it was in a fugue state and I’m okay with them because I think that everything in Coulson’s life post-Avengers is anything but normal. That he’s having this regularly at least says that he and May know how to work out his body’s reactions to TAHITI, which is probably a good thing. Or so I hope.
Jan: This is the most intriguing story arc of the season for me so far. I have no idea what it’s all about, but feel certain it’s going to be key as the season unfolds. Plus, it has the added bonus of providing us with some Coulson and May bonding time since she is the only one so far who knows his secret.
4. Was Kyle MacLachlan’s introduction as intriguing as anticipated?
Leah: Personally Kyle MacLachlan’s entrance is a little much for me. So we have the US Government, Hydra and now Kyle for SHIELD to deal with? They are already broken it just seems like one too many people they have to work against.
Liz: ‘Intriguing’ isn’t the word I was thinking of. More like creepy! What is he and what does he want with Skye? After all this time why does he now want his daughter? What does he want to show her? Ugh!
Roz: Well, it certainly was evil-mustache twirly as far as introductions go. I’m not intrigued so much as I’m nervous because that means that Skye has some connection to HYDRA years ago and that might make her defect more easily than I want.
Jan: I’m spoiler free, so had no idea what to expect from MacLachlan’s character. I’m excited to see what this means for Skye as the season progresses and why he wants her to be a part of whatever he is planning. MacLachlan has a history of playing very complex characters, and I have high hopes for this one as well.
5. Who was the MVP this episode?
Leah: Coulson. Being Director isn’t easy.
Liz: Hmm, I think I have to go with Coulson on this one. He’s the boss but he still gets out there with his team when he needs to. May was right when she told him he doesn’t need to be out there anymore, however there are so few of them and Coulson knows that. They don’t have the numbers they used to have so he really is still needed on missions.
Roz: Raina. But hear me out! She found a way to talk to Creel and still help SHIELD while also telling everyone that she’s not playing for HYDRA but her own motives. I’d prefer they were more SHIELD motives, but I’ll take any small step to get someone like Creel out of the way for a while than not.
Jan: Fitz. My heart breaks watching him have imaginary conversations with Simmons. But even without Simmons there, or with her only in his head, he’s still the same genius we’ve come to know and love. Mack’s tough love methodologies seem to be having a positive effect on him.
6. What was your favorite scene in the episode?
Leah: The scene where Coulson hands over Creel. His muttered, “Let’s get out of here before the ice berg runs out of fuel.” while still maintaining that ‘We are SHIELD and we’re bad ass’ in front of the General was very amusing.
Liz: My favorite scene was the last one, where Coulson meets with Talbot and then not one, but TWO cloaked air ships appear! SHIELD is back! Almost.
Roz: Watching Mack figure out what Fitz meant about not solving it today and how they were talking after Creel had been captured.
Jan: It was brief, and not at all related to the big arcs of the episode, but I loved Coulson’s defensiveness as to why he can’t do yoga.
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. airs Tuesdays at 9/8c on ABC.