SCORPION Recap: Single Point of Failure
This episode of Scorpion was all about family. The case of the week involves the Governor and his child. They arrive at the Governor’s house to find the CDC there. Walter and Paige meet the Governor and his very sick daughter. Her organs are shutting down and she has less than 24 hours to live. On her computer is a virus/message, “It’s your fault she’s sick”. Walter is there to figure out who sent the message. While he is doing this he surmises that the virus is bioengineered specifically for Helena, the Governor’s daughter.
Back at their dirty warehouse/workspace Walter is getting frustrated. This case is reminding him of his sister and he doesn’t like it. She is suffering from MS and he can’t fix her, it makes him very upset.
Paige gets him to refocus and they track down the kid who sent the email. He was hired to send the emails and he didn’t just send one he sent four, there are three other victims. Turns out all of the families have one thing in common; they all worked for a pharmaceutical company where they worked on a drug trail. Walter figures when the drug trail was shut down it negatively affected whoever is now causing these kids to be sick.
Of course the drug company won’t turn over their records and they are running out of time so Walter decides they must steal the hard copies of the files. So here’s the plan, Gallo and Paige are sitting this one out as they have a government job and a child to lose if they get caught. Walter will guide Sylvester via coms through the building because Sylvester will be able to look at and memorize the files. Happy and Toby will be the distraction. Toby and Happy ram right into the car of the employee whose security clearance they are “borrowing”. That gets him out of the building and Sylvester in using the cloned ID badge. Walter had a badge making printer in his day bag. Just in case that is something you feel you should put on the list of things to carry around. The plan works and Sylvester gets all of the names of the trial recipients.
Back at headquarters they narrow down the suspects. Robert Richter is a biologist who lost a child when the drug trial was cancelled. The team rushes over to Robert’s office where Walter finds the virus mapping on Robert’s computer. Now to send it to the CDC to be reverse engineered for a cure. On the laptop Walter finds the sequence for one more virus – it’s for the Governor. This virus will kill him instantly. Of course the Governor ditched security and can’t be located.
They find the Governor and head to his location. Richter contacted him saying he had a cure. They spread out and search. Toby sees Richter and tackles him but the virus is sent into the air. Walter thinks fast and turns on the sprinklers neutralizing it.
The episode ends with Sylvester taking his latest paycheck to a local church/orphanage. He wants it used for something fun and safe. Toby gambles his money and Happy joins Paige, Ralph and Gallo on the roof to barbeque and look at the new telescope she bought Ralph. Walter visits his sister before coming back to hang out with his makeshift family.
Scorpion airs 9/8c on CBS