Woo Hoo! After what felt like a long summer, Modern Family is back and they brought the funny back with them for us all to enjoy. Season 6 has begun! Let’s get to it!
Cam and Mitch have been back from their honeymoon for awhile but Cam doesn’t want the honeymoon phase to end. It was so cute, Mitch had some food on his face and Cam wiped it off and called him Husband. Aw! Cam kept buying Mitch flowers and giving him backrubs which seems like it would be awesome. But all of his sugary sweetness is starting to get on Mitchell’s nerves (and Lily’s) because it was getting to be over the top.
The Dunphy family had a great summer! Everyone was happy and getting along. Haley has a successful fashion blog, Luke has a new love for baking and Claire has been assisting Phil with his magic tricks. All that happiness was sucked out of the house when Alex returned home early from her trip (she was helping build houses for the poor). Her bad mood spread quickly to Luke and Haley. Claire started to wonder if Alex affected the positive mojo in their house.
Jay got some new glasses that make him look older and Gloria wasn’t too fond of them. His new She was already not pleased with the track suits he wears; she wants him to dress nice. Jay found out (from seeing Gloria’s family on Skype) that she has been sending his clothes to her family in Columbia. When he confronted her, she said that she wished he tried to look good for her, like she does for him. He said she gets dolled up for herself, and he loves her for who she is, not how she looks (Mmmm Hmmm….sure).
Claire talked to Alex about finishing her commitment to building houses. Alex caught on that they were trying to get rid of her and became upset. She realized they were happier when she wasn’t there and stormed out.
Cam showed up to Mitch’s work function and was way over the top with his PDA. He was all over Mitch and Mitch was embarrassed. When Cam started showing pictures of Mitch kissing a dolphin on their honeymoon, Mitch had to step in. He tried to tell Cam to turn down the romance, but Cam got mad and walked away.
Jay had a meeting with clients and Gloria had on a t-shirt, sweat pants and her hair was a mess. Then she put lipstick all over her mouth like a clown and told Jay she was ready to go. Jay went with it at first, thinking she would cave, but she didn’t. When they got to the restaurant he admitted that he likes it when she gets dolled up. Then he admitted that some guys laughed at him when he was shopping, like he was the old guy who was trying too hard. Gloria told him that he was sexy and she loved him for it. They agreed to dress nice for each other.
Mitch came home to find Cam mad and throwing flowers away. Cam had planned a three month-a-versary celebration that he wanted to cancel. Mitch picked up a gift from the table and life size cutout of their wedding picture popped up along with confetti and it scared the hell out of Mitch. He grabbed his chest and said “My heart” and Cam replied “what heart?” Ooh burn. Hilarious! I seriously re-watched this part like 5 times! It was too funny! Cam had a bath planned and even Lily was dressed up like Cupid. It was over the top! Mitch asked Cam what was going on with him and Cam finally admitted that he didn’t want the romance to end because he was afraid they would lose it for good. Mitch agreed to try harder to be more romantic so Cam wouldn’t have to be the only one responsible. Then Mitch turned on some music and then they danced. So sweet!
At the Dunphys’, Alex was all set to leave when the family realized they needed her more than ever. Haley didn’t know how to use her webcam (and was recording herself when she didn’t know it), Claire almost burned down the house, and Luke and Phil didn’t know that the leaves on Rhubarb were poisonous. Luke said it best; they need at least one adult in their household. Without Alex they are a danger to themselves.
Gloria and Jay came home to a surprise party for Gloria’s birthday (there never was a client meeting) and Gloria screamed because she still had her sweats on and clown lipstick on. She ran outside and came back inside in a flash looking flawless in a dress (now that is a talent).
What did you think of the season premiere? Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below.
Modern Family airs Wednesday nights at 9/8c on ABC.